Education Institute; 9500 Euclid Avenue, EC40; Phone: 216-442-5627; Email: CCLCM Faculty Affairs
New Appointment & Promotion
This is a non-tenure Regular track (full-time) rank with Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine (CCLCM of CWRU SOM).
If your application receives final approval:
You will remain an employee of Cleveland Clinic or its affiliates and will not
receive any compensation (salary or otherwise) from CWRU SOM.
You will receive minimal benefits from CWRU SOM (ID, email address, etc.), which will be explained in your approval email from CCLCM.
International Candidates
Additional criteria outlining an external referee and explaining the process can be found under the Referee Name section below.
The regular track is appropriate if any of the following are true:
Your Cleveland Clinic work hours are equal to or greater than 0.5 FTE.
If your FTE is less than 0.5, you can only apply in the Clinical/Adjunct Track.
You are a member of Cleveland Clinic professional staff or have a medical/scientific terminal degree at the level of MD, PhD, PharmD (but not a master’s degree).
You work at the main campus, where there is a greater opportunity to teach and interact with all types of trainees.
You work at another location but are committed to academic medicine, which includes accomplishments in professional service (clinical & administrative), education/teaching, and research that impact your specialty.
You work in Lerner Research (LRI) or are interested in applying for large grants or research projects where a regular track appointment is often required.
You are interested in participating in CWRU governance and committees.
You are interested in CWRU being your full-time primary affiliation instead of another
academic institution.
If you have an outside/external faculty appointment, it can only be in the clinical/adjunct (part-time) and must be approved by CWRU.
Any full-time appointments outside of CWRU must be terminated or moved to the part-time track before applying.
What rank is appropriate?
Start by using our CCLCM Comparison Tool of Ranks.
Review the requirements, eligibility, and reputation for each rank to determine which one you are qualified for.
You can also discuss your reputation and appropriate rank with your chair.
If you are still unsure, send your CV in our CCLCM CV Template to [email protected] along with your Primary and Secondary Areas of Excellence to be reviewed by our Associate Dean. We will email you with his recommendation.
If you are applying for a promotion, you must highlight your NEW
accomplishments in yellow so they can be reviewed accurately.
Note that the recommendation that CCLCM Faculty Affairs provides is not a guarantee of success!
Currently appointed as a CCLCM of CWRU SOM Associate Professor.
Promotions must be completed in order; therefore, you cannot skip any rank.
Applications can be submitted at any time and will be processed like other applications.
After CCLCM approval, it will be sent to CWRU for final approval, effective January 1 or July 1 (final approval at CWRU is only granted twice a year).
To effectively represent academic and professional growth, promotions are generally submitted between 4-8 years from your last appointment or promotion.
However, CWRU requires no specific amount of time – the only specification is that you have new items on your CV that show you have reached the required
U.S. reputation and impact.
Remember items on your CV dated BEFORE your past CWRU appointment approval date were already counted and will not count towards this promotion.
New Appointment
Currently, you do not have a CCLCM of CWRU SOM regular track appointment.
Or, you currently have a CCLCM clinical/adjunct appointment and would like to move to the regular track.
If appointed in the clinical/adjunct rank, you would apply for a new appointment in the regular track, not a promotion.
A promotion only applies if you want to advance within the same track, you are already appointed.
Clinical/Adjunct (part-time) appointment.
Approved by CWRU along with this faculty appointment.
Refer to our CCLCM of CWRU Outside-External Application instructions for more information
Contact CCLCM Faculty Affairs if you still have questions after reviewing this entire document.
General Considerations:
IMPORTANT – To receive a CCLCM of CWRU SOM appointment or promotion, you must prove you have a U.S. reputation.
How to Create a Reputation?
You create a U.S. reputation by having something you are known for in your Primary Area of Expertise outside your current location and Cleveland Clinic.
When referees and reviewers examine your application, they seek evidence of your U.S. reputation in your Primary Area of Excellence, acceptable contributions in your Secondary Area of Excellence, and some accomplishments in the Final Area of Excellence.
Significant accomplishments in one of the other Areas of Excellence can help bolster your overall reputation and show the referees and reviewers you excel in other areas.
Additional information regarding the three Areas of Excellence is outlined after this section.
Different ways to create a reputation:
Become an expert on something within your specialty, figure out a novel way to teach learners, or make a research discovery that makes those outside Cleveland Clinic and your local area seek your opinion and expertise.
Discover an innovation or technology that puts your name in the regional and national community as an expert with knowledge that others are eager to learn (this can be a new technique, your way of teaching, or your novel program).
Become a leader, chair, advisor, and reviewer within regional and national professional societies, committees, government boards, advisory groups, editorial boards, and more.
Volunteer or ask to be on committees at the regional or national level that make decisions that advance your specialty.
Publish papers and receive funding for your research projects that show you have a reputation outside of your location and Cleveland Clinic or that you are an integral part of projects that cannot be done without your specific knowledge.
Get asked to present at regional and national platforms based on your expertise (presentations, grand rounds, visiting professorship, society meetings, etc.).
Win grants, awards, and honors that show others have noticed your exceptional or ground-breaking accomplishments (should be outside your location or Cleveland Clinic).
continuing commitment to contributions to administrative and service tasks.
Professor: U.S. National or sustained/enhanced
International Candidates – Emerging U.S. reputation and an international reputation.
Associate Professor: U.S. Regional or emerging U.S. National
U.S. Candidates – U.S. Regional reputation refers to the states surrounding your work location, or you can have an emerging
U.S. National reputation.
International Candidates – Emerging U.S. reputation and a reputation in part or all your current country.
All faculty will be expected to make administrative service contributions.
Examples of administrative service include but are not limited to:
significant administrative contributions;
significant contributions to university, hospital, or clinical practice welfare;
participation in departmental, hospital, university, and/or medical school committees;
professional memberships and activities and services related to professional societies;
participation in research review committees of the state and federal government and of voluntary health organizations;
service on editorial boards of scientific journals or as an examiner on subspecialty boards;
participation and/or leadership in educational and professional society committees or committees of national, state, and local voluntary health agencies, such as the Academy of Medicine and the Ohio State Medical Association.
For those faculty engaged in it, excellence of clinical service will be recognized and evaluated as part of the combined achievements that qualify for a new appointment or promotion.
Excellence shall be judged by both objective and subjective measures. The determination of the level of clinical excellence achieved by a candidate for appointment or promotion may include consideration of materials not limited to the following:
specialty and subspecialty board certification and recertification;
outcomes data, if available, including mortality and morbidity data, comparative length of stay data, and surveys of patient satisfaction;
documentation of a reputation for excellence in one’s clinical specialty as evidenced by membership or fellowship in professional societies, especially in leadership positions, and awards for clinical service or patient satisfaction;
documentation of scholarly activities that influence the practice of medicine nationally;
recognition as an authority as indicated by consultations, invited lectures and seminars, visiting professorships, and invited writings; and
letters from those such as department chairs or division directors (names chosen as colleague referees) who have directly observed the candidate’s clinical work. In addition, letters of reference as to the candidate’s degree of excellence in clinical service can be provided by students and residents (names chosen as trainee referees) who have been closely associated with the faculty member during their clinical work.
Professor: U.S. National or sustained/enhanced
International Candidates – Emerging U.S. reputation and an international reputation.
Associate Professor: U.S. Regional or emerging U.S. National
U.S. Candidates – U.S. Regional reputation refers to the states surrounding your work location, or you can have an emerging
U.S. National reputation.
International Candidates – Emerging U.S. reputation and a reputation in part or all your current country.
A high level of teaching effectiveness, involving the organization, evaluation, and transmission of knowledge, is a primary criterion as well.
All faculty are expected to participate in teaching.
The candidate shall have demonstrated a capacity and a desire to maintain teaching effectiveness and show capacity for continuing growth as a teacher.
It is implicit that teaching effectiveness includes serving as a model of professional conduct for students, colleagues, and patients.
Standards relating to teaching include:
preparation and presentation of material in a well-organized, current, and stimulating fashion as viewed by peers and students;
leadership in design, organization, and/or presentation of a course, clinical program, or subdivision thereof;
ability to evaluate and counsel students; and
participation in postgraduate educational activities.
Teaching settings are to be broadly defined. They may include:
medical student teaching in all venues, subject committees, small group conferences, clinical science programs, elective programs, family clinic, core and optional clerkships, and ambulatory medicine,
as well las undergraduate and graduate courses in the basic science
departments and in other schools of the university;
graduate medical and postgraduate medical teaching; serving as a student advisor or counselor and continuing medical education and community teaching.
Recognition of performance in these educational activities depends on consistent, enthusiastic participation and offering personal assistance to students. Similarly, recognition for clinical teaching requires contact with students over a sustained period, not limited to occasional ward rounds, demonstrations, or presentations. Such contributions, in general, include functions concerned with the planning and implementation of teaching with regard to content, depth, coverage, sequence, evaluation, and coordination
The candidate should exhibit scholarship in teaching as evidenced by careful thought regarding the purpose of teaching, the definition of realistic objectives,
identification of important material to be presented, selection of the appropriate methods of presentation, the modification of teaching in light of experience, the evaluation of the teaching goals, and a willingness to engage in critical self- evaluation.
Recognition will be given to original, innovative, and unique contributions and published reports of such contributions. Teaching may be judged to be of high quality, however, without being innovative or original.
In addition, since administration of education efforts is an integral component of the teaching process, service as a subject committee chair, area of concentration chair, core clerkship director, section leader, residency training program director, or equivalent positions, and service on educational committees constitute significant criteria for consideration.
Contributions, in general, include functions concerned with the planning and implementation of teaching concerning content, depth, coverage, sequence, evaluation, and coordination. Recognition will be given to original, innovative, and unique contributions and published reports of such contributions.
Teaching may be judged to be of high quality, however, without being innovative or original.
In addition, since administration of education efforts is an integral component of the teaching process, service as a subject committee chair, area of concentration chair, core clerkship director, section leader, residency training program director, or equivalent positions, and service on educational committees constitute significant criteria for consideration.
Professor: U.S. National, sustained/enhanced
International Candidates – Emerging U.S. reputation and an International reputation.
Associate Professor: U.S. National
International Candidates – Emerging U.S. National reputation
and an International reputation.
Excellence in scholarly research, involving the discovery, organization, interpretation, and transmission of knowledge, is the primary criterion.
The quality of the research program of an individual shall be evaluated as to the originality, depth, rigor, and thoroughness of the studies.
Important discoveries and innovations in techniques or methods shall lend weight to the assessment.
The research may be laboratory, non-laboratory, or patient-based or a combination thereof.
Research contributions to be evaluated include publications in scholarly or professional journals, book chapters, books, invited papers and lectures, literature reviews, case history reports, abstracts, book reviews, major reports, and other presentations.
Success in obtaining external research grants or other supportive funding shall also be considered in the evaluation of research qualifications.
Also to be considered are professional honors, awards, and national offices; participation in research review committees of the national, state, or local government and of voluntary health organizations; and service on editorial boards of scientific journals or as an examiner on subspecialty boards.
The quality research efforts of individuals will be assessed through letters of evaluation of the scholarly work obtained from authorities in the field of interest of the candidate at this and other major academic institutions.
While the evaluation of research accomplishment has traditionally focused on the faculty member’s individual achievements, including first and senior authorships and funding as principal investigator, the present and future of science will place increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary research team science. Where relevant, therefore, a faculty member’s contributions to interdisciplinary research team science shall also be considered. Such factors as originality, creativity, indispensability, and unique abilities may be considered when making this evaluation. The candidate is invited to submit a brief description of his/her role in the team effort, and statements (names chosen as team scientist referees) from the principal investigator, the director of the project, and others with first-hand knowledge as to the role of the candidate.
The balance of accomplishments in teaching, research, and professional service may vary considerably from one candidate to another. While appointment, promotion, and tenure decisions must be based on evidence that candidates can and will continue to satisfy the qualifications described in the Faculty Handbook (Chapter Three, Part One, I. F), exceptional qualifications in one or two areas may partially compensate for less prominent but acceptable accomplishments in another.
There will be unusual instances when research accomplishments are of such high caliber that this activity shall compensate for less prominent but acceptable accomplishments in other activities; similarly there will be unusual instances when involvement in teaching is of such excellence in both quality and quantity and the impact of these contributions on the local environment so great that this activity shall compensate for less prominent but
acceptable accomplishments in other activities.
Professional service activities shall be weighed in the assessment of a candidate for promotion and/or the award of tenure and an outstanding record in these activities may on occasion make up for less prominent accomplishments in either teaching or research. Administrative and clinical service contributions may be judged in the assessment of candidates for promotion or the award of tenure, especially when such contributions are clearly and directly related to teaching and/or research, as in the case of service as a subject committee chair, core clerkship director, section leader, or research training
MUST declare and provide evidence of acceptable contributions in this area.
MUST choose a different area than your Primary Area of Excellence.
Note acceptable contributions in your Personal Statement and possibly in an Educator Portfolio.
MUST choose a different area than your Primary and Secondary Areas of Excellence.
Note accomplishments in this area in your Personal Statement.
Please read the CWRU Appointment and Promotion Standards for more detailed information.
Go to the CCLCM Online Application System
Choose the correct employer.
London candidates:
Cleveland Clinic Staff = Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Contract Staff = Cleveland Clinic London
Choose the rank you determine is most appropriate.
See the above section on page 2, “What rank is appropriate?” for more information.
When the application opens, you can elect to allow Proxy Access.
If you have an administrative assistant and would like them to have access to your application, then follow these steps:
At the top of your application, click “As an option, you can grant proxy access to your admin staff”.
Enter your admin’s email address or name.
Click “Search”.
Once their name pops up, click “Grant access”.
You can revoke or grant access to someone new at any time.
You cannot grant access to more than one person at a time.
Proxy access is usually granted for any of the following reasons:
To assist you with the application process.
Have them check in on the status of your application on your behalf.
Will receive most of the emails sent regarding your application.
Enter your information in all the required fields.
Choose the correct Institute and Department information from the dropdowns.
Enter your information in all the required fields.
Choose the correct Institute and Department information from the dropdowns according to your work location.
Your Application Details
CCLCM Academic Department – Choose the one which you most closely identify.
CCLCM has 22 Academic Departments approved by CWRU.
This is the department you’ll be appointed in (for example, Professor of Neurology).
This might differ from your Cleveland Clinic Department, Institute, and Primary Clinical Department.
If you are unsure, contact your chair to discuss.
Primary Area of Excellence – Choose the one that your reputation supports.
Secondary Area of Excellence – Choose the second one that your reputation supports. It CANNOT be the same as your Primary Area of Excellence.
Other Current non-CCLCM Academic Appointments – Should only be filled in if you have a faculty appointment at an outside-external institution. It should not be used for professional titles.
You must choose the same CCLCM Academic department you are currently appointed in.
Refer to our CCLCM FindFaculty Search Directory to verify which department you are currently appointed in.
If you want your appointment if a different department, you must first complete a Change of Department application. Contact CCLCM Faculty Affairs to obtain instructions.
Select the chair of your department, institute, or CCLCM Academic Chair who knows you best (usually the person who conducts your APR), or contact them to find out whom they
prefer you choose.
Your chair’s CCLCM Academic Department MUST be in the same CCLCM Academic Department you have chosen (do not have someone in Medicine write a letter for Pathology).
Utilize our CCLCM FindFaculty Search Directory to verify that your chair is in the same CCLCM Academic Department you are applying in.
Your chair cannot also serve as a referee.
Find their name in the dropdown menu.
If your chair is not listed as an option, then select “Other” at the bottom of the list and enter their information.
Pre-Chair Approval Section
CV (required)
Download our CCLCM CV Template.
Must EXACTLY MATCH the new 2024 template (link above) in font, font size, date order, section format, etc. Old versions will no longer be accepted.
Do NOT submit your application until it does, or it will be returned.
CCLCM Faculty Affairs cannot review your CV before submission due to the volume of applications.
After submission, all documents will be reviewed, and if anything requires your attention, CCLCM Faculty Affairs will contact you.
Only NEW accomplishments on your CV are counted towards your promotion; older accomplishments were already counted and cannot be reused.
This means that accomplishments dated the YEAR AFTER your past CWRU appointment approval date will count towards your new accomplishments.
Explanation: We have been told that referees and reviewers tend to focus on the year after your last appointment. For example, if your last appointment was in 2022, they will start counting all items dated 2023 and newer, on your CV. While we agree this seems unfair, we want you to know about this unwritten academic practice.
These new accomplishments will prove your U.S.-based reputation for this promotion.
NEW! U.S. candidates – You must highlight your NEW accomplishments in yellow on your CV so Faculty Affairs, referees, and reviewers can focus on what is new.
New Appointment
Items on your CV dated AFTER your post-grad training will contribute the most to determining if you have the required U.S. reputation.
NEW! International candidates – You must highlight ONLY your U.S.-
based accomplishments since your post-grad training in yellow, as these will prove you have a modest U.S. reputation.
Personal Statement (required)
Download CCLCM PS Directions & Template – Regular Track.
MUST be in the Personal Statement (PS) template, or it will be returned.
Fill in all sections under the black headers and delete the blue instructions before uploading into your application.
Can be up to 3 pages in length for all candidates.
Do not make the referees and reviewers figure out your reputation – explain it in detail to them!
Use laypersons language and avoid using acronyms and abbreviations from your specialty.
Chair Nomination Letter (required)
NEW! Information
CCLCM Faculty Affairs has begun suggesting that nominating chairs meet with candidates before the nomination letter is written and the candidate completes the entire application.
When you request a nomination letter from your chair, the email sent to your chair will suggest the following:
Your chair meets with you before writing their nomination letter supporting your application.
This way, your chair can assess if you have the required reputation and impact before they write their letter of support.
Your chair can provide you with the 6 external “arm’s length” referees that they must contribute, but you will add to your application.
Scenario #1: The chair approves you for the rank before writing their nomination letter so you can continue to work on your application. Later, they will upload your nomination letter.
You will receive one automatic email once the chair approves – then you can work on the rest of your application.
You will receive one automatic email when the chair uploads their nomination letter – then you can submit your application once completed.
Scenario #2: The chair will write and upload their nomination letter.
You will receive an automatic email when your chair uploads their nomination letter – then you can continue
to work on your application and submit it once it is completed.
If your chair does not support your application and you feel you have the required reputation, there is a CWRU process that allows you to apply.
Contact CCLCM Faculty Affairs for more information.
Request the Letter
Now that you have uploaded your CV and PS, you can request that your chair write your nomination letter and provide their approval.
You already selected your chair on the Application Details tab of your application.
If you need to change the name, it must be done on that tab only.
By requesting a nomination letter, you agree that you have read the above-detailed requirements and know you have the required U.S. reputation.
You must use the link in the online application to request a nomination letter from your chair.
You will receive a copy of the original email that is sent to your chair.
You can see how a meeting is suggested and what information your chair will be asked to include in their nomination letter.
The nomination letter is confidential and cannot be shared with you.
Post-Chair Approval Section
Now that your Chair’s Nomination Letter has been uploaded, you may complete the rest of this tab.
Candidate Request Letter (required for New Appointment ONLY)
CWRU School of Medicine requires this document.
The Candidate Request Letter (CRL) will be a pop-up document in your application.
Add information about why you want a faculty appointment and what you intend to contribute to CCLCM and CWRU SOM.
Update the CRL as often as you would like.
To see the finished letter, click the “View” button.
Your CRL will only be shared with CCLCM CAP and CWRU CAPT committee members, not with referees.
Declaration of Candidacy for Promotion (required for Promotion ONLY)
Download the Declaration of Candidacy Form from inside your application.
Complete the top portion, read/check the boxes, and sign/date the form.
Email the completed form, along with your CV, to the CCLCM Academic Chair listed on the form in the CCLCM department you chose that matches your application.
Ask the Academic Chair to sign/date the form and send it back to you.
Note: The CCLCM Academic Chair will often differ from your Cleveland Clinic
department chair and should not be altered.
If you have a secondary CCLCM faculty appointment, email and ask your secondary CCLCM Academic Chair to also sign/date the form.
If you are unsure whether you have a secondary appointment, then refer to our CCLCM FindFaculty Search Directory.
Upload the completed form (signed by all parties) into your application.
Educator Portfolio (optional, recommended, or required)
Educator Portfolio (EP), formally known as the Teaching Portfolio.
Download Educator Portfolio - Consultants, Video, Instructions, & Template and follow the instructions.
Who should submit an Educator Portfolio?
REQUIRED for Promotion & New Appointment.
It should not exceed a maximum of 25 pages but can be shorter.
Recommended for Promotion & New Appointment.
In this scenario, the length can be shorter, 3-7 pages on average.
Allowed for Promotion & New Appointment.
Any candidate can submit an Educator Portfolio, which can be shorter (3-7 pages on average).
Many choose to complete an EP to expand upon their teaching contributions without taking space in their Personal Statement.
CWRU’s broad definition of Education/Teaching covers many different audiences, subjects, and situations. All are important and should be noted.
Journal Publications (required; 3-5 documents only)
Publications such as peer-reviewed articles and individual book chapters (not a whole book) are highly recommended as reviewers prioritize the impact of your work.
Case reviews, article/literature reviews, and editorials are acceptable.
When possible, choose publications that feature you as first, second, or senior author or an impactful work you want the reviewers to see.
Do NOT upload a list of your publications, an abstract, or a poster presentation.
Do NOT upload copies that are password-protected!
Do NOT upload files that are larger than 20 MB.
Permitted to upload a maximum of 5 publications (the system will NOT allow you to submit your application if you exceed this number).
If you do not have the minimum of 3 publications to upload, you should consider applying once you have them.
Only upload publications completed AFTER your last appointment or promotion; older publications were already counted. If you still wish to include an older impactful publication, include the reason in your Personal Statement.
Teaching Evaluations (optional, recommended, or required)
Teaching evaluations show the reviewers your dedication to teaching and improving your teaching skills. They are required for some candidates (see below) and should include 3 of the most recent years available.
Required: For every Primary Area of Excellence.
New Appointment
Required: If your Primary Area of Excellence = Education/Teaching
Teaching Evaluations and Evaluation Summary are required.
At CWRU, it is highly recommended, but at CCLCM, it is now required
because it helps to strengthen your application packet.
Recommended: If your Secondary Area of Excellence = Education/Teaching
Teaching Evaluations and Evaluation Summary are recommended.
If your Secondary Area of Excellence is Education/Teaching, it is a good idea to show your strength and dedication by including this optional document, though your application should be fine without it.
Optional: If your Final Area of Excellence = Education/Teaching
NEW! MedHub Evaluations Link
Use this link to pull your MedHub Evaluations.
If you try and you have no MedHub teaching evaluations, you can contact CCLCM Evaluations Team at [email protected] to see if they can locate any CCLCM evaluations.
Evaluations may come from many types of Teaching, including CME courses, training, lectures, grand rounds, presentations, etc.
You may have some of these evaluations or know who to contact to receive them.
Ask your Administrator (institute or education) to create, send/hand out, and collect evaluations before your promotion so you will have something to submit.
If you do not have ANY teaching evaluations, you CANNOT submit an Evaluation Summary. You must submit either both or none.
Instead, you must upload a one-page document with a short explanation of why evaluations were not collected in your department.
Example: “I do not have any teaching evaluations due to the department standards regarding the collection of evaluations. Instead, CCLCM Faculty Affairs will try to solicit additional trainee referee letters. Thank you, [Your Name]”
If you must skip a year because your program does not have enough trainees to trigger an evaluation report, insert a note to explain (add a page in the PDF that says, "Not enough trainees to evaluate in YYYY.")
Evaluations must ONLY cover yourself and NOT other staff; if needed, highlight the sections of the evaluation that pertain to you or the group at large. Do NOT include pages that do not mention you
Evaluations with Low Scores or Unfavorable Comments
CCLCM and CWRU SOM review committees heavily consider poor evaluations,
including low scores and negative comments, when they evaluate candidates.
If your scores are below the departmental average or you have many negative comments, it may jeopardize your application. Consider waiting until the issue is resolved to apply or do the following:
Create an Educator Portfolio – Use it to address the issues and lay out the plan you have in place to rectify the situation now and for the future. You should also explain how the issue started. Please see Educator Portfolio section for information, and you would not need to create a long portfolio; 3-7 pages would be adequate.
Have your chair update your Evaluation Summary and Nomination Letter to highlight the steps you are or have taken to correct the situation. Have your chair explain how they are working with you on the solution.
Teaching Evaluation Summary (optional, recommended, or required)
If you are required or choose to submit Teaching Evaluations, you must also submit a Teaching Evaluation Summary.
Required: For every Primary Area of Excellence to accompany your Teaching Evaluations.
New Appointment
Required: If your Primary Area of Excellence = Education/Teaching
Must accompany your Teaching Evaluations.
Recommended: If your Secondary Area of Excellence = Education/Teaching
Must accompany your Teaching Evaluations if you will submit them.
Optional: If your Final Area of Excellence = Education/Teaching
Must accompany your Teaching Evaluations if you will submit them.
If your chair/administrator is unfamiliar with your teaching, give them a bio on your activities and your 3 years of evaluations for them to summarize.
The Evaluation Summary should be only 1-2 paragraphs long and summarize your evaluations. It should include:
Summary of your teaching evaluations and how you compare with others in the department.
The groups of learners you teach (medical students, residents, fellows, post-docs, staff, and other trainees at various levels).
What current and future teaching you do in the department, Cleveland Clinic, CCLCM, CWRU, CME courses, etc. (this should NOT be a list of each individual course you taught).
You, the candidate, are permitted to see the Evaluation Summary.
Ask your chair/administrator to send it to you so you can upload to your application.
Evaluations with Low Scores or Unfavorable Comments
Review #13 Teaching Evaluations section above for more information and how
information about your approval plan should be included in the Evaluation Summary.
Terminal Degree/s (required for New Appointment ONLY)
Upload a scanned copy or photo of your terminal degree: MD, PhD, DO, MBBS, PharmD, JD, etc.
If a translation is needed for a foreign language other than Latin, upload a copy.
Make sure it is not a password-protected PDF.
Do NOT upload other certificates (testing, training, residency, fellowship, or licensure), transcripts, or other diplomas (bachelor's/master's).
This tab will not be accessible until your chair uploads their Nomination Letter or has given you approval to continue.
Letters will be solicited AFTER your application has been reviewed to ensure the correct documents were uploaded.
Referees should NOT have a close familial/friend relationship with you or be anyone likely, or perceived to be likely, to be predisposed, positively or negatively, about you and your application.
You are NOT allowed to see a referee letter or consult with a referee on what they will or did put in their letter!
Do NOT contact CCLCM Faculty Affairs to ask if a letter has been uploaded—you are NOT supposed to know what the referee is doing after you put their name in your application!
If a referee contacts you during the application process, do NOT answer them! Instead, forward the email to [email protected], and we will answer.
Referee letters and the names of those who provide them are confidential and can never be disclosed, even to your chair.
LRI CAP committee referee letters (external, colleague, and trainee) can be used for your appointment if the letters are NOT more than 2 years old.
It is essential to apply for your CCLCM of CWRU SOM appointment immediately upon receiving your LRI staff promotion or when hired.
IMPORTANT! Your Cleveland Clinic staff title is not the same as a CCLCM of CWRU SOM faculty rank. They are not interchangeable!
Contact your LRI Administrator and ask them to send one email with each letter as a separate PDF to [email protected].
You must enter ALL the referee names you submitted to LRI in your CCLCM application.
If you did not give LRI enough names, you must enter extra names to meet the CCLCM minimum number of required names.
Faculty Affairs will upload the letters it receives from your administrator.
If the letters meet our standards and we receive the minimum required, we will not need to solicit any other letters in that referee category.
If the letters do NOT meet our standards and/or the minimum number required is NOT met, we will solicit letters from the other referees you put into your application.
You, the candidate, are never allowed to know which letters were received, or the content of the letters received by LRI, and should not be included in any of the emails between your LRI administrator and CCLCM Faculty Affairs regarding the letters.
Read the entire external referee section before entering referee names into your application.
Enter a minimum number of 14 external referee names into your application.
Ask your chair to pick 6 names (per CWRU policy), and you will choose the remaining 8 external referee names.
You will input all 14 names in your online application.
Note: You can enter extra names so that the minimum number of letters needed to advance your application is received quickly.
NEW! Minimum of 4 acceptable external letters are needed for your application to advance to the CCLCM Committee on Appointments and Promotions (CAP) for review and vote.
If more than the minimum number of letters are received, they will all be included.
New Appointment
If more than the minimum number of letters are received, they will all be included.
NEW! International Candidates
You must enter a minimum of 7 U.S.-based external referee names.
These external referee names must be able to confirm you have modest U.S.- based accomplishments and have made an impact on your field.
Must follow all arm’s length rules outlined further below.
IMPORTANT! You are NEVER ALLOWED to contact external referees! The only exception is requesting business cards at a society meeting.
Only your Department or Institute Chair (or their Administration) is allowed to contact your external referees, BUT these rules must be followed:
Request that your Department or Institute Administration office contact your external referees.
First, they must contact CCLCM Faculty Affairs for the required template and instructions.
Your Administration will let you know if you need to add in more external names but cannot tell you who declined or the reason.
If you ever receive an inquiry from a referee, forward it to CCLCM Faculty Affairs and do NOT answer it yourself.
External referees will receive your CV and Personal Statement (and your Educator Portfolio if Education/Teaching is your Primary Area of Excellence).
Professor (full-time).
NIH Senior Investigator, NIH Senior Scientist, or NIH Senior Clinician at the National Institutes of Health.
They can be U.S. national (preferred) or international.
May choose one Professor Emeritus (if retired less than 3 years and academically active).
Associate Professors,
Clinical Professors,
Research Professors, and
Directors, Chairs, Presidents, etc.
Submit verification in your application that each external referee holds the required Professor rank by providing proof:
Link to the institution faculty website that proves the external referee holds the rank of Professor, NIH Senior Investigator, NIH Senior Scientist, or NIH Senior Clinician.
Social media sites such as LinkedIn do NOT qualify as proof!
Carefully read the website to make sure the professor rank is current.
NEW! PubMed Verification (required)
Submit verification in your application that each external referee has NOT
collaborated with you in the last 5 years by providing proof:
Link to the PubMed search that proves you have no publications together within the last 5 years.
The PubMed Instructions will guide you on how to access the PubMed website and complete your search.
This new process is mandatory and required by CWRU.
IMPORTANT! If an external referee's name is found in your CV and your PubMed search, you MUST REMOVE their name from your external referees in your application.
You can ONLY leave them in as a referee if it was a large group or team collaboration project and you did NOT work directly with them. However, we prefer you not to use them as each instance must be verified, which can delay the processing of your application.
If you still choose to use them on your CV, under each item under this exception, you MUST list the external referee’s full name and annotate how you did NOT work directly together.
"Arm's Length" rules to follow to avoid complications and delays:
A position with an academic institution in the region where you currently
work or have worked in the last 5 years. This also includes:
Any Cleveland Clinic campus or location
CWRU or any CWRU-affiliate, campus, or location
A neighboring or adjacent city, county, district, or area
A close familial/friend relationship with you or anyone likely, or perceived to be likely, to be predisposed, positively or negatively, about you no matter where they work.
Served as your doctoral or postdoctoral supervisor, a mentor, or a senior staff member in your department when training.
Been someone you supervised (former mentee, trainee, or student).
Served as your supervisor or received compensation from or on your behalf (in any employment relationship).
Been a former institution, departmental, or school colleague within the past 5 years (even if you didn’t work directly with them). Visiting professorship is fine.
A close research/project collaboration with you within the past 5 years
or actively planning to collaborate with you
Coauthored with you within the past 5 years or actively planning to coauthor with you – other than those produced by membership on a committee, consortium, or task force.
Participated in a large presentation/project you both created within the past 5 years or are actively planning with you.
"Arm's length" and should NOT have a close personal relationship with you other than an acquaintance.
A recognized expert in your field or a related field and be affiliated with an academic institution.
In your specialty, from a broader field, or a related specialty.
Asked you to write a chapter in a book they edited or reviewed your manuscript for publication.
Been made aware of your work through casual personal exchange, publication, presentation, invitation to present at a conference they organized, or visiting professor at their institution.
Participated with you in a panel or large committee where you did not work closely together or had a short participation time.
NOTE: On your CV, under each item that falls into this exception, list the external referee’s full name and annotate in bold font how you did not work closely together, or it was a brief committee.
Have been on a large publication or research with you but not directly involved. Many large papers or projects have numerous authors who
submit information but do not work closely with each other or are cited but were not involved in direct collaboration.
NOTE: On your CV, under each item that falls into this exception, list the external referee’s full name and annotate in bold how you did not work with each other.
Ask them at a conference if you can have their business card so they can serve as an external referee for your future applications.
Consider leaving out any referee you are unsure about or might be too close to you. When in doubt, leave them out!
Refer to page 6 of the CWRU Appointment and Promotion Qualifications and Standards for more information.
Colleague referees (required; input 5 names)
Enter a minimum number of 5 colleague referee names into your application.
To move your application forward, a minimum number of 2 acceptable colleague referee letters are needed.
If more than the minimum number are received, they will be included.
Are current or former colleagues or supervisors that can comment on your administrative service role in a committee, project, or activity in which you were both engaged; and/or any of your teaching activities.
Should NOT have a close familial relationship with you or be anyone likely, or perceived to be likely, to be predisposed, positively or negatively, about you and your application.
The referee will be asked to draw upon their personal experiences with you and will usually not receive your CV or Personal Statement.
It is preferable, but not required, that they have an academic appointment.
For Cleveland Clinic faculty, look up the academic rank in the CCLCM FindFaculty Search Directory.
Put “N/A” if you cannot find the academic rank of any colleague referee.
CANNOT be your nominating chair. Other leadership names (leadership of CWRU, CCLCM, and Education) have been blocked from usage.
They cannot be trainees that you worked with.
They can be national (preferred) or international.
You can contact your colleague referees, but ONLY BEFORE submitting your application.
You may ask if they can write a reference letter when you apply for a faculty appointment. If they are too busy, that is fine, move on to another person.
Once you submit your application, you are NO longer allowed to speak with them about the letter.
If you receive an inquiry from a referee, forward it to CCLCM Faculty Affairs and do not answer it yourself.
Research - Team Scientist (ONLY if Research/Team-Scientist is your Primary Area of Excellence):
MUST enter 5 extra colleague names into your application!
They should be team lead scientist colleague names.
Make sure they can vouch for your valuable input to their papers and grants (how you are indispensable).
MUST email CCLCM Faculty Affairs the names of the 5 team-lead scientist colleague referees you entered so we can track them to ensure we receive 2 letters.
Your application will need 2 extra team colleague letters to move forward – for a total of 4 colleague letters.
Trainee referees (required; input 8 names)
Enter a minimum number of 8 trainee referee names into your application.
To move your application forward, a minimum number of 4 acceptable trainee referee letters are needed.
If more than the minimum number are received, they will be included.
Are any current or former students/trainees at any education level you taught here or at another institution.
They can be national or international and will usually not receive your CV.
You can contact your trainee referees, but ONLY BEFORE submitting your application.
You may ask if they can write a reference letter when you apply for a faculty appointment. If they are too busy, that is fine, move on to another person.
Once you submit your application, you are NO longer allowed to speak with them about the letter.
If you receive an inquiry from a referee, forward it to CCLCM Faculty Affairs and do not answer it yourself.
You must submit your CCLCM Online Application for CCLCM Faculty Affairs to begin processing it.
Applications are processed in the order received, and high volume may delay processing.
When the CCLCM Faculty Affairs team reviews your application, they will ensure that all your information and materials are acceptable according to the requirements.
If any additional items require attention, then you will receive an email notifying you of what is still needed.
Failure to comply with requests by CCLCM Faculty Affairs team to update, modify, or obtain requested materials may result in your application being unsubmitted.
Once it is unsubmitted, we encourage you to update your materials and submit it again as soon as possible.
After your application review is complete, Faculty Affairs will email your referees.
Every 32 days, a reminder is sent with a maximum of four reminders per referee.
If we have not obtained the minimum number of letters after 130 days, you will be notified via email to add additional names to your application.
If you delay adding new names, your application will be stalled!
You may add names at any time during the letter solicitation stage.
You do NOT need to notify Faculty Affairs when you add names. The system notifies us of this action.
Anytime you update your CV, you should upload a new version with the current date to your application, ensuring it is in our mandatory CCLCM template.
If your CV was updated during the CCLCM Faculty Affairs review stage, you must use the most recent version of your CV when making any new additions.
To understand all the steps to final CWRU approval, see our Application Review Process.
We will notify you via email when your application has been approved by CWRU.
After CWRU approval, you should accurately list your CCLCM of CWRU SOM rank and department on your documents, in your signature, and related websites along with your Cleveland Clinic staff title.
Example: Associate Professor of Medicine at Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.
Never list any pending (applied for) faculty rank.
Never list a department other than your CCLCM of CWRU SOM Academic Department.
Example: Do NOT list Associate Professor of Internal Medicine.
All applications are subject to current CWRU policy even if the policy changes while your application is being submitted or processed.
All approval time frames are average estimates based on application submittal, the upload of correct documents, the selection of accurate referee names, how quickly referee letters are received, and the timing of meetings and approval at CCLCM and CWRU, all of which can vary.
If your application is not submitted within 1-2 years, it may be inactivated; you can start a new one anytime.
Education Institute; 9500 Euclid Avenue, EC40; Phone: 216-442-5627; Email: CCLCM Faculty Affairs
New Appointment & Promotion
Associate Professor
This is a non-tenure Regular track (full-time) rank with Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine (CCLCM of CWRU SOM).
If your application receives final approval:
You will remain an employee of Cleveland Clinic or its affiliates and will not
receive any compensation (salary or otherwise) from CWRU SOM.
You will receive minimal benefits from CWRU SOM (ID, email address, etc.), which will be explained in your approval email from CCLCM.
International Candidates
An external referee is someone whom you have NOT worked with and have NOT published within the last 5 years.
Additional criteria outlining an external referee and explanation of the process can be found under the Referee Names section below.
The regular track is appropriate if any of the following are true:
Your Cleveland Clinic work hours are 0.5 FTE or greater.
If your FTE is less than 0.5, you can only apply in the Clinical/Adjunct track.
You are a member of Cleveland Clinic professional staff or have a medical/scientific terminal degree at the level of MD, PhD, PharmD (but not a master’s degree).
You work at the main campus, where there is a greater opportunity to teach and interact with all types of trainees.
You work at another location but are committed to academic medicine, which includes accomplishments in professional service (clinical & administrative), education/teaching, and research that impact your specialty.
You work in Lerner Research (LRI) or are interested in applying for large grants or research projects where a regular track appointment is often required.
You are interested in participating in CWRU governance and committees.
You are interested in CWRU being your full-time primary affiliation instead of another academic institution.
If you have an outside/external faculty appointment, it can only be in the clinical/adjunct (part-time) and must be approved by CWRU.
Any full-time appointments outside of CWRU must be terminated or moved to the part-time track before applying.
What rank is appropriate?
Start by using our CCLCM Comparison Tool of Ranks.
Review the requirements and reputation for each rank to determine which one you are qualified for.
You can also discuss your reputation, eligibility, and appropriate rank with your chair.
If you are still unsure, send your CV in our CCLCM CV Template to [email protected] along with your Primary and Secondary Areas of Excellence to be reviewed by our Associate Dean. We will email you with his recommendation.
Before sending us your CV, make sure that it is updated according to the CV section outlined further down in this document.
If you are applying for a promotion, you must highlight your NEW
accomplishments in yellow on your CV so it can be reviewed accurately.
Note that the recommendation that CCLCM Faculty Affairs provides is not a guarantee of success!
Currently appointed as a CCLCM of CWRU SOM Assistant Professor.
Promotions must be completed in order; therefore, you cannot skip any rank.
Applications can be submitted at any time and will be processed like other applications.
After CCLCM approval, it will be sent to CWRU for final approval, effective January 1 or July 1 (final approval at CWRU is only granted twice a year).
To effectively represent academic and professional growth, promotions are generally submitted between 4-8 years from your last CCLCM appointment or promotion.
However, CWRU requires no specific amount of time – the only specification is that you have new items on your CV that show you have reached the required
U.S. reputation and impact.
Remember items on your CV dated BEFORE your past CWRU appointment approval date were already counted and will not count towards this promotion.
New Appointment
Currently, you do not have a CCLCM regular track appointment.
Or, you currently have a CCLCM clinical/adjunct appointment and would like to move to the regular track.
If appointed in the clinical/adjunct rank, you would apply for a new appointment in the Regular Track, not a promotion.
A promotion only applies if you want to advance within the same track, you are already appointed.
Clinical or adjunct (part-time) appointment.
Approved by CWRU along with this faculty appointment.
Refer to our CCLCM of CWRU Outside-External Application instructions for more information.
Contact CCLCM Faculty Affairs if you still have questions after reviewing this entire document.
General Considerations:
IMPORTANT – To receive a CCLCM of CWRU SOM appointment or promotion, you must prove you have a U.S. reputation.
How to Create a Reputation?
You create a U.S. reputation by having something you are known for in your Primary Area of Expertise outside your current location and Cleveland Clinic.
When referees and reviewers examine your application, they seek evidence of your U.S. reputation in your Primary Area of Excellence, acceptable contributions in your Secondary Area of Excellence, and some accomplishments in the Final Area of Excellence.
Significant accomplishments in one of the other Areas of Excellence can help bolster your overall reputation and show the referees and reviewers you excel in other areas.
Additional information regarding the three Areas of Excellence is outlined after this section.
Different ways to create a reputation:
Become an expert on something within your specialty, figure out a novel way to teach learners, or make a research discovery that makes those outside Cleveland Clinic and your local area seek your opinion and expertise.
Discover an innovation or technology that puts your name in the regional and national community as an expert with knowledge that others are eager to learn (this can be a new technique, your way of teaching, or your novel program).
Become a leader, chair, advisor, and reviewer within regional and national professional societies, committees, government boards, advisory groups, editorial boards, and more.
Volunteer or ask to be on committees at the regional or national level that make decisions that advance your specialty.
Publish papers and receive funding for your research projects that show you have a reputation outside of your location and Cleveland Clinic or that you are an integral part of projects that cannot be done without your specific knowledge.
Get asked to present at regional and national platforms based on your expertise (presentations, grand rounds, visiting professorship, society meetings, etc.).
Win grants, awards, and honors that show others have noticed your exceptional or ground-breaking accomplishments (should be outside your location or Cleveland Clinic).
they earned their reputation. Accomplishment in professional service is indispensable for the attainment of the academic goals of the School of Medicine, and the quality of this activity shall be assessed for candidates for a new appointment or promotion. The professional service accomplishments of faculty members may take different forms as defined by the objectives of the various departments. Professional service consists of both administrative and clinical service, and all candidates should demonstrate a continuing commitment to contributions to administrative and service tasks.
Professor: U.S. National or sustained/enhanced
International Candidates – Emerging U.S. reputation and an international reputation.
Associate Professor: U.S. Regional or emerging U.S. National
U.S. Candidates – U.S. Regional reputation refers to the states surrounding your work location, or you can have an emerging
U.S. National reputation.
International Candidates – Emerging U.S. reputation and a reputation in part or all your current country.
All faculty will be expected to make administrative service contributions.
Examples of administrative service include but are not limited to:
significant administrative contributions;
significant contributions to university, hospital, or clinical practice welfare;
participation in departmental, hospital, university, and/or medical school committees;
professional memberships and activities and services related to professional societies;
participation in research review committees of the state and federal government and of voluntary health organizations;
service on editorial boards of scientific journals or as an examiner on subspecialty boards;
participation and/or leadership in educational and professional society committees or committees of national, state, and local voluntary health agencies, such as the Academy of Medicine and the Ohio State Medical Association.
For those faculty engaged in it, excellence of clinical service will be recognized and evaluated as part of the combined achievements that qualify for a new appointment or promotion.
Excellence shall be judged by both objective and subjective measures. The determination of the level of clinical excellence achieved by a candidate for appointment or promotion may include consideration of materials not limited to the following:
specialty and subspecialty board certification and recertification;
outcomes data, if available, including mortality and morbidity
data, comparative length of stay data, and surveys of patient satisfaction;
documentation of a reputation for excellence in one’s clinical specialty as evidenced by membership or fellowship in professional societies, especially in leadership positions, and awards for clinical service or patient satisfaction;
documentation of scholarly activities that influence the practice of medicine nationally;
recognition as an authority as indicated by consultations, invited lectures and seminars, visiting professorships, and invited writings; and
letters from those such as department chairs or division directors (names chosen as colleague referees) who have directly observed the candidate’s clinical work. In addition, letters of reference as to the candidate’s degree of excellence in clinical service can be provided by students and residents (names chosen as trainee referees) who have been closely associated with the faculty member during their clinical work.
Professor: U.S. National or sustained/enhanced
International Candidates – Emerging U.S. reputation and an international reputation.
Associate Professor: U.S. Regional or emerging U.S. National
U.S. Candidates – U.S. Regional reputation refers to the states surrounding your work location, or you can have an emerging
U.S. National reputation.
International Candidates – Emerging U.S. reputation and a reputation in part or all your current country.
A high level of teaching effectiveness, involving the organization, evaluation, and transmission of knowledge, is a primary criterion as well.
All faculty are expected to participate in teaching.
The candidate shall have demonstrated a capacity and a desire to maintain teaching effectiveness and show capacity for continuing growth as a teacher.
It is implicit that teaching effectiveness includes serving as a model of professional conduct for students, colleagues, and patients.
Standards relating to teaching include:
preparation and presentation of material in a well-organized, current, and stimulating fashion as viewed by peers and students;
leadership in design, organization, and/or presentation of a course, clinical program, or subdivision thereof;
ability to evaluate and counsel students; and
participation in postgraduate educational activities.
Teaching settings are to be broadly defined. They may include:
medical student teaching in all venues, subject committees, small group conferences, clinical science programs, elective programs, family clinic, core and optional clerkships, and ambulatory medicine,
as well las undergraduate and graduate courses in the basic science departments and in other schools of the university;
graduate medical and postgraduate medical teaching; serving as a student advisor or counselor and continuing medical education and community teaching.
Recognition of performance in these educational activities depends on consistent, enthusiastic participation and offering personal assistance to students. Similarly, recognition for clinical teaching requires contact with students over a sustained period, not limited to occasional ward rounds, demonstrations, or presentations. Such contributions, in general, include functions concerned with the planning and implementation of teaching with regard to content, depth, coverage, sequence, evaluation, and coordination
The candidate should exhibit scholarship in teaching as evidenced by careful thought regarding the purpose of teaching, the definition of realistic objectives,
identification of important material to be presented, selection of the appropriate methods of presentation, the modification of teaching in light of experience, the evaluation of the teaching goals, and a willingness to engage in critical self- evaluation.
Recognition will be given to original, innovative, and unique contributions and published reports of such contributions. Teaching may be judged to be of high quality, however, without being innovative or original.
In addition, since administration of education efforts is an integral component of the teaching process, service as a subject committee chair, area of concentration chair, core clerkship director, section leader, residency training program director, or equivalent positions, and service on educational committees constitute significant criteria for consideration.
Contributions, in general, include functions concerned with the planning and implementation of teaching concerning content, depth, coverage, sequence, evaluation, and coordination. Recognition will be given to original, innovative, and unique contributions and published reports of such contributions.
Teaching may be judged to be of high quality, however, without being innovative or original.
In addition, since administration of education efforts is an integral component of the teaching process, service as a subject committee chair, area of concentration chair, core clerkship director, section leader, residency training program director, or equivalent positions, and service on educational committees constitute significant criteria for consideration.
Professor: U.S. National, sustained/enhanced
International Candidates – Emerging U.S. reputation and an International reputation.
Associate Professor: U.S. National
International Candidates – Emerging U.S. National reputation and an International reputation.
Excellence in scholarly research, involving the discovery, organization, interpretation, and transmission of knowledge, is the primary criterion.
The quality of the research program of an individual shall be evaluated as to the originality, depth, rigor, and thoroughness of the studies.
Important discoveries and innovations in techniques or methods shall lend weight to the assessment.
The research may be laboratory, non-laboratory, or patient-based or a combination thereof.
Research contributions to be evaluated include publications in scholarly or professional journals, book chapters, books, invited papers and lectures, literature reviews, case history reports, abstracts, book reviews, major reports, and other presentations.
Success in obtaining external research grants or other supportive funding shall also be considered in the evaluation of research qualifications.
Also to be considered are professional honors, awards, and national offices; participation in research review committees of the national, state, or local government and of voluntary health organizations; and service on editorial boards of scientific journals or as an examiner on subspecialty boards.
The quality research efforts of individuals will be assessed through letters of evaluation of the scholarly work obtained from authorities in the field of interest of the candidate at this and other major academic institutions.
While the evaluation of research accomplishment has traditionally focused on the faculty member’s individual achievements, including first and senior authorships and funding as principal investigator, the present and future of science will place increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary research team science. Where relevant, therefore, a faculty member’s contributions to interdisciplinary research team science shall also be considered. Such factors as originality, creativity, indispensability, and unique abilities may be considered when making this evaluation. The candidate is invited to submit a brief description of his/her role in the team effort, and statements (names chosen as team scientist referees) from the principal investigator, the director of the project, and others with first-hand knowledge as to the role of the candidate.
The balance of accomplishments in teaching, research, and professional service may vary considerably from one candidate to another. While appointment, promotion, and tenure decisions must be based on evidence that candidates can and will continue to satisfy the qualifications described in the Faculty Handbook (Chapter Three, Part One, I. F), exceptional qualifications in one or two areas may partially compensate for less prominent but acceptable accomplishments in another.
There will be unusual instances when research accomplishments are of such high caliber that this activity shall compensate for less prominent but acceptable accomplishments in other activities; similarly there will be unusual instances when involvement in teaching is of such excellence in both quality and quantity and the impact of these contributions on the local environment so great that this activity shall compensate for less prominent but acceptable accomplishments in other activities.
Professional service activities shall be weighed in the assessment of a candidate for promotion and/or the award of tenure and an outstanding record in these activities may on occasion make up for less prominent accomplishments in either teaching or research. Administrative and clinical service contributions may be judged in the assessment of candidates for promotion or the award of tenure, especially when such contributions are clearly and directly related to teaching and/or research, as in the case of service as a subject committee chair, core clerkship director, section leader, or research training
MUST declare and provide evidence of acceptable contributions in this area.
MUST choose a different area than your Primary Area of Excellence.
Note acceptable contributions in your Personal Statement and possibly in an Educator Portfolio.
MUST choose a different area than your Primary and Secondary Areas of Excellence.
Note accomplishments in this area in your Personal Statement.
Please read the CWRU Appointment and Promotion Standards for more detailed information.
Go to the CCLCM Online Application System
Choose the correct employer.
London candidates:
Cleveland Clinic Staff = Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Contract Staff = Cleveland Clinic London
Choose the rank you determine is most appropriate.
See the above section on page 2, “What rank is appropriate?” for more information.
When the application opens, you can elect to allow Proxy Access.
If you have an administrative assistant and would like them to have access to your application, then follow these steps:
At the top of your application, click “As an option, you can grant proxy access to your admin staff”.
Enter your admin’s email address or name.
Click “Search”.
Once their name pops up, click “Grant access”.
You can revoke or grant access to someone new at any time.
You cannot grant access to more than one person at a time.
Proxy access is usually granted for any of the following reasons:
To assist you with the application process.
Have them check in on the status of your application on your behalf.
Will receive most of the emails sent regarding your application.
Enter your information in all the required fields.
Choose the correct Institute and Department information from the dropdowns.
Enter your information in all the required fields.
Choose the correct Institute and Department information from the dropdowns according to your work location.
Your Application Details
CCLCM Academic Department – Choose the one which you most closely identify.
CCLCM has 22 Academic Departments approved by CWRU.
This is the department you’ll be appointed in (for example, Professor of Neurology).
This might differ from your Cleveland Clinic Department, Institute, and Primary Clinical Department.
If you are unsure, contact your chair to discuss.
Primary Area of Excellence – Choose the one that your reputation supports.
Secondary Area of Excellence – Choose the second one that your reputation supports. It CANNOT be the same as your Primary Area of Excellence.
Other Current non-CCLCM Academic Appointments – Should only be filled in if you have a faculty appointment at an outside-external institution. It should not be used for professional titles.
You must choose the same CCLCM Academic department you are currently appointed in.
Refer to our CCLCM FindFaculty Search Directory to verify which department you are currently appointed in.
If you want your appointment if a different department, you must first complete a Change of Department application. Contact CCLCM Faculty Affairs to obtain
Select the chair of your department, institute, or CCLCM Academic Chair who knows you best (usually the person who conducts your APR), or contact them to find out whom they prefer you choose.
Your chair’s CCLCM Academic Department MUST be in the same CCLCM Academic Department you have chosen (do not have someone in Medicine write a letter for Pathology).
Utilize our CCLCM FindFaculty Search Directory to verify that your chair is in the same CCLCM Academic Department you are applying in.
Your chair cannot also serve as a referee.
Find their name in the dropdown menu.
If your chair is not listed as an option, then select “Other” at the bottom of the list and enter their information.
Pre-Chair Approval Section
CV (required)
Download our CCLCM CV Template.
Must EXACTLY MATCH the new 2024 template (link above) in font, font size, date order, section format, etc. Old versions will no longer be accepted.
Do NOT submit your application until it does, or it will be returned.
CCLCM Faculty Affairs cannot review your CV before submission due to the volume of applications.
After submission, all documents will be reviewed, and if anything requires your attention, CCLCM Faculty Affairs will contact you.
Only NEW accomplishments on your CV are counted towards your promotion; older accomplishments were already counted and cannot be reused.
This means that accomplishments dated the YEAR AFTER your past CWRU appointment approval date will count towards your new accomplishments.
Explanation: We have been told that referees and reviewers tend to focus on the year after your last appointment. For example, if your last appointment was in 2022, they will start counting all items dated 2023 and newer, on your CV. While we agree this seems unfair, we want you to know about this unwritten academic practice.
These new accomplishments will prove your U.S.-based reputation for this promotion.
NEW! U.S. candidates – You must highlight your NEW accomplishments in yellow on your CV so Faculty Affairs, referees, and reviewers can focus on what
is new.
New Appointment
Items on your CV dated AFTER your post-grad training will contribute the most to determining if you have the required U.S. reputation.
NEW! International candidates – You must highlight ONLY your U.S.- based accomplishments since your post-grad training in yellow, as these will prove you have a modest U.S. reputation.
Personal Statement (required)
Download CCLCM PS Directions & Template – Regular Track.
MUST be in the Personal Statement (PS) template, or it will be returned.
Fill in all sections under the black headers and delete the blue instructions before uploading into your application.
Can be up to 3 pages in length for all candidates.
Do not make the referees and reviewers figure out your reputation – explain it in detail to them!
Use laypersons language and avoid using acronyms and abbreviations from your specialty.
Chair Nomination Letter (required)
NEW! Information
CCLCM Faculty Affairs has begun suggesting that nominating chairs meet with candidates before the nomination letter is written and the candidate completes the entire application.
When you request a nomination letter from your chair, the email sent to your chair will suggest the following:
Your chair meets with you before writing their nomination letter supporting your application.
This way, your chair can assess if you have the required reputation and impact before they write their letter of support.
Your chair can provide you with the 6 external “arm’s length” referees that they must contribute, but you will add to your application.
Scenario #1: The chair approves you for the rank before writing their nomination letter so you can continue to work on your application. Later, they will upload your nomination letter.
You will receive one automatic email once the chair approves – then you can work on the rest of your application.
You will receive one automatic email when the chair uploads their nomination letter – then you can submit
your application once completed.
Scenario #2: The chair will write and upload their nomination letter.
You will receive an automatic email when your chair uploads their nomination letter – then you can continue to work on your application and submit it once it is completed.
If your chair does not support your application and you feel you have the required reputation, there is a CWRU process that allows you to apply.
Contact CCLCM Faculty Affairs for more information.
Request the Letter
Now that you have uploaded your CV and PS, you can request that your chair write your nomination letter and provide their approval.
You already selected your chair on the Application Details tab of your application.
If you need to change the name, it must be done on that tab only.
By requesting a nomination letter, you agree that you have read the above-detailed requirements and know you have the required U.S. reputation.
You must use the link in the online application to request a nomination letter from your chair.
You will receive a copy of the original email that is sent to your chair.
You can see how a meeting is suggested and what information your chair will be asked to include in their nomination letter.
The nomination letter is confidential and cannot be shared with you.
Post-Chair Approval Section
Now that your Chair’s Nomination Letter has been uploaded, you may complete the rest of this tab.
Candidate Request Letter (required for New Appointment ONLY)
CWRU School of Medicine requires this document.
The Candidate Request Letter (CRL) will be a pop-up document in your application.
Add information about why you want a faculty appointment and what you intend to contribute to CCLCM and CWRU SOM.
Update the CRL as often as you would like.
To see the finished letter, click the “View” button.
Your CRL will only be shared with CCLCM CAP and CWRU CAPT committee members, not with referees.
Declaration of Candidacy for Promotion (required for Promotion ONLY)
Download the Declaration of Candidacy Form from inside your application.
Complete the top portion, read/check the boxes, and sign/date the form.
Email the completed form, along with your CV, to the CCLCM Academic Chair listed on the form in the CCLCM department you chose that matches your application.
Ask the Academic Chair to sign/date the form and send it back to you.
Note: The CCLCM Academic Chair will often differ from your Cleveland Clinic department chair and should not be altered.
If you have a secondary CCLCM faculty appointment, email and ask your secondary CCLCM Academic Chair to also sign/date the form.
If you are unsure whether you have a secondary appointment, then refer to our CCLCM FindFaculty Search Directory.
Upload the completed form (signed by all parties) into your application.
Educator Portfolio (optional, recommended, or required)
Educator Portfolio (EP), formally known as the Teaching Portfolio.
Download Educator Portfolio - Consultants, Video, Instructions, & Template and follow the instructions.
Who should submit an Educator Portfolio?
REQUIRED for Promotion & New Appointment.
It should not exceed a maximum of 25 pages but can be shorter.
Recommended for Promotion & New Appointment.
In this scenario, the length can be shorter, 3-7 pages on average.
Allowed for Promotion & New Appointment.
Any candidate can submit an Educator Portfolio, which can be shorter (3-7 pages on average).
Many choose to complete an EP to expand upon their teaching contributions without taking space in their Personal Statement.
CWRU’s broad definition of Education/Teaching covers many different audiences, subjects, and situations. All are important and should be noted.
Journal Publications (required; 3-5 documents only)
Publications such as peer-reviewed articles and individual book chapters (not a whole book) are highly recommended as reviewers prioritize the impact of your work.
Case reviews, article/literature reviews, and editorials are acceptable.
When possible, choose publications that feature you as first, second, or senior author or an impactful work you want the reviewers to see.
Do NOT upload a list of your publications, an abstract, or a poster presentation.
Do NOT upload copies that are password-protected!
Do NOT upload files that are larger than 20 MB.
Permitted to upload a maximum of 5 publications (the system will NOT allow you to submit your application if you exceed this number).
If you do not have the minimum of 3 publications to upload, you should consider applying
once you have them.
Only upload publications completed AFTER your last appointment or promotion; older publications were already counted. If you still wish to include an older impactful publication, include the reason in your Personal Statement.
Teaching Evaluations (optional, recommended, or required)
Teaching evaluations show the reviewers your dedication to teaching and improving your teaching skills. They are required for some candidates (see below) and should include 3 of the most recent years available.
Required: For every Primary Area of Excellence.
New Appointment
Required: If your Primary Area of Excellence = Education/Teaching
Teaching Evaluations and Evaluation Summary are required.
At CWRU, it is highly recommended, but at CCLCM, it is now required
because it helps to strengthen your application packet.
Recommended: If your Secondary Area of Excellence = Education/Teaching
Teaching Evaluations and Evaluation Summary are recommended.
If your Secondary Area of Excellence is Education/Teaching, it is a good idea to show your strength and dedication by including this optional document, though your application should be fine without it.
Optional: If your Final Area of Excellence = Education/Teaching
NEW! MedHub Evaluations Link
Use this link to pull your MedHub Evaluations.
If you try and you have no MedHub teaching evaluations, you can contact CCLCM Evaluations Team at [email protected] to see if they can locate any CCLCM evaluations.
Evaluations may come from many types of Teaching, including CME courses, training, lectures, grand rounds, presentations, etc.
You may have some of these evaluations or know who to contact to receive them.
Ask your Administrator (institute or education) to create, send/hand out, and collect evaluations before your promotion so you will have something to submit.
If you do not have ANY teaching evaluations, you CANNOT submit an Evaluation Summary. You must submit either both or none.
Instead, you must upload a one-page document with a short explanation of why evaluations were not collected in your department.
Example: “I do not have any teaching evaluations due to the department standards regarding the collection of evaluations. Instead, CCLCM Faculty Affairs will try to solicit additional trainee referee letters. Thank you, [Your Name]”
If you must skip a year because your program does not have enough trainees to trigger an evaluation report, insert a note to explain (add a page in the PDF that says, "Not enough trainees to evaluate in YYYY.")
Evaluations must ONLY cover yourself and NOT other staff; if needed, highlight the sections of the evaluation that pertain to you or the group at large. Do NOT include pages that do not mention you
Evaluations with Low Scores or Unfavorable Comments
CCLCM and CWRU SOM review committees heavily consider poor evaluations, including low scores and negative comments, when they evaluate candidates.
If your scores are below the departmental average or you have many negative comments, it may jeopardize your application. Consider waiting until the issue is resolved to apply or do the following:
Create an Educator Portfolio – Use it to address the issues and lay out the plan you have in place to rectify the situation now and for the future. You should also explain how the issue started. Please see Educator Portfolio section for information, and you would not need to create a long portfolio; 3-7 pages would be adequate.
Have your chair update your Evaluation Summary and Nomination Letter to highlight the steps you are or have taken to correct the situation. Have your chair explain how they are working with you on the solution.
Teaching Evaluation Summary (optional, recommended, or required)
If you are required or choose to submit Teaching Evaluations, you must also submit a Teaching Evaluation Summary.
Required: For every Primary Area of Excellence to accompany your Teaching Evaluations.
New Appointment
Required: If your Primary Area of Excellence = Education/Teaching
Must accompany your Teaching Evaluations.
Recommended: If your Secondary Area of Excellence = Education/Teaching
Must accompany your Teaching Evaluations if you will submit them.
Optional: If your Final Area of Excellence = Education/Teaching
Must accompany your Teaching Evaluations if you will submit them.
If your chair/administrator is unfamiliar with your teaching, give them a bio on your activities and your 3 years of evaluations for them to summarize.
The Evaluation Summary should be only 1-2 paragraphs long and summarize your evaluations. It should include:
Summary of your teaching evaluations and how you compare with others in the department.
The groups of learners you teach (medical students, residents, fellows, post-docs, staff, and other trainees at various levels).
What current and future teaching you do in the department, Cleveland Clinic, CCLCM, CWRU, CME courses, etc. (this should NOT be a list of each individual course you taught).
You, the candidate, are permitted to see the Evaluation Summary.
Ask your chair/administrator to send it to you so you can upload to your application.
Evaluations with Low Scores or Unfavorable Comments
Review #13 Teaching Evaluations section above for more information and how information about your approval plan should be included in the Evaluation Summary.
Terminal Degree/s (required for New Appointment ONLY)
Upload a scanned copy or photo of your terminal degree: MD, PhD, DO, MBBS, PharmD, JD, etc.
If a translation is needed for a foreign language other than Latin, upload a copy.
Make sure it is not a password-protected PDF.
Do NOT upload other certificates (testing, training, residency, fellowship, or licensure), transcripts, or other diplomas (bachelor's/master's).
This tab will not be accessible until your chair uploads their Nomination Letter or has given you approval to continue.
Letters will be solicited AFTER your application has been reviewed to ensure the correct documents were uploaded.
Referees should NOT have a close familial/friend relationship with you or be anyone likely, or perceived to be likely, to be predisposed, positively or negatively, about you and your application.
You are NOT allowed to see a referee letter or consult with a referee on what they will or did put in their letter!
Do NOT contact CCLCM Faculty Affairs to ask if a letter has been uploaded—you are NOT supposed to know what the referee is doing after you put their name in your application!
If a referee contacts you during the application process, do NOT answer them! Instead, forward the email to [email protected], and we will answer.
Referee letters and the names of those who provide them are confidential and can never be disclosed, even to your chair.
LRI CAP committee referee letters (external, colleague, and trainee) can be used for your appointment if the letters are NOT more than 2 years old.
It is essential to apply for your CCLCM of CWRU SOM appointment immediately upon receiving your LRI staff promotion or when hired.
IMPORTANT! Your Cleveland Clinic staff title is not the same as a CCLCM of CWRU SOM faculty rank. They are not interchangeable!
Contact your LRI Administrator and ask them to send one email with each letter as a separate PDF to [email protected].
You must enter ALL the referee names you submitted to LRI in your CCLCM application.
If you did not give LRI enough names, you must enter extra names to meet the CCLCM minimum number of required names.
Faculty Affairs will upload the letters it receives from your administrator.
If the letters meet our standards and we receive the minimum required, we will not need to solicit any other letters in that referee category.
If the letters do NOT meet our standards and/or the minimum number required is NOT met, we will solicit letters from the other referees you put into your application.
You, the candidate, are never allowed to know which letters were received, or the content of the letters received by LRI, and should not be included in any of the emails between your LRI administrator and CCLCM Faculty Affairs regarding the letters.
Read the entire external referee section before entering referee names into your application.
Enter a minimum number of 14 external referee names into your application.
Ask your chair to pick 6 names (per CWRU policy), and you will choose the remaining 8 external referee names.
You will input all 14 names in your online application.
Note: You can enter extra names so that the minimum number of letters needed to advance your application is received quickly.
NEW! Minimum of 4 acceptable external letters are needed for your application to advance to the CCLCM Committee on Appointments and Promotions (CAP) for review and vote.
If more than the minimum number of letters are received, they will all be included.
New Appointment
If more than the minimum number of letters are received, they will all be included.
NEW! International Candidates
You must enter a minimum of 7 U.S.-based external referee names.
These external referee names must be able to confirm you have modest U.S.- based accomplishments and have made an impact on your field.
Must follow all arm’s length rules outlined further below.
IMPORTANT! You are NEVER ALLOWED to contact external referees! The only exception is requesting business cards at a society meeting.
Only your Department or Institute Chair (or their Administration) is allowed to contact your external referees, BUT these rules must be followed:
Request that your Department or Institute Administration office contact your external referees.
First, they must contact CCLCM Faculty Affairs for the required template and instructions.
Your Administration will let you know if you need to add in more external names but cannot tell you who declined or the reason.
If you ever receive an inquiry from a referee, forward it to CCLCM Faculty Affairs and do NOT answer it yourself.
External referees will receive your CV and Personal Statement (and your Educator Portfolio if Education/Teaching is your Primary Area of Excellence).
Professor (full-time).
NIH Senior Investigator, NIH Senior Scientist, or NIH Senior Clinician at the National Institutes of Health.
They can be U.S. national (preferred) or international.
May choose one Professor Emeritus (if retired less than 3 years and academically active).
Associate Professors,
Clinical Professors,
Research Professors, and
Directors, Chairs, Presidents, etc.
Submit verification in your application that each external referee holds the required Professor rank by providing proof:
Link to the institution faculty website that proves the external referee holds the rank of Professor, NIH Senior Investigator, NIH Senior Scientist, or NIH Senior Clinician.
Social media sites such as LinkedIn do NOT qualify as proof!
Carefully read the website to make sure the professor rank is current.
NEW! PubMed Verification (required)
Submit verification in your application that each external referee has NOT
collaborated with you in the last 5 years by providing proof:
Link to the PubMed search that proves you have no publications together within the last 5 years.
The PubMed Instructions will guide you on how to access the PubMed website and complete your search.
This new process is mandatory and required by CWRU.
IMPORTANT! If an external referee's name is found in your CV and your PubMed search, you MUST REMOVE their name from your external referees in your application.
You can ONLY leave them in as a referee if it was a large group or team collaboration project and you did NOT work directly with them. However, we prefer you not to use them as each instance must be verified, which can delay the processing of your application.
If you still choose to use them on your CV, under each item under this exception, you MUST list the external referee’s full name and annotate
how you did NOT work directly together.
"Arm's Length" rules to follow to avoid complications and delays:
A position with an academic institution in the region where you currently work or have worked in the last 5 years. This also includes:
Any Cleveland Clinic campus or location
CWRU or any CWRU-affiliate, campus, or location
A neighboring or adjacent city, county, district, or area
A close familial/friend relationship with you or anyone likely, or perceived to be likely, to be predisposed, positively or negatively, about you no matter where they work.
Served as your doctoral or postdoctoral supervisor, a mentor, or a senior staff member in your department when training.
Been someone you supervised (former mentee, trainee, or student).
Served as your supervisor or received compensation from or on your behalf (in any employment relationship).
Been a former institution, departmental, or school colleague within the past 5 years (even if you didn’t work directly with them). Visiting professorship is fine.
A close research/project collaboration with you within the past 5 years
or actively planning to collaborate with you
Coauthored with you within the past 5 years or actively planning to coauthor with you – other than those produced by membership on a committee, consortium, or task force.
Participated in a large presentation/project you both created within the past 5 years or are actively planning with you.
"Arm's length" and should NOT have a close personal relationship with you other than an acquaintance.
A recognized expert in your field or a related field and be affiliated with an academic institution.
In your specialty, from a broader field, or a related specialty.
Asked you to write a chapter in a book they edited or reviewed your manuscript for publication.
Been made aware of your work through casual personal exchange, publication, presentation, invitation to present at a conference they organized, or visiting professor at their institution.
Participated with you in a panel or large committee where you did not work closely together or had a short participation time.
NOTE: On your CV, under each item that falls into this exception, list the external referee’s full name and annotate in bold font
how you did not work closely together, or it was a brief committee.
Have been on a large publication or research with you but not directly involved. Many large papers or projects have numerous authors who submit information but do not work closely with each other or are cited but were not involved in direct collaboration.
NOTE: On your CV, under each item that falls into this exception, list the external referee’s full name and annotate in bold how you did not work with each other.
Ask them at a conference if you can have their business card so they can serve as an external referee for your future applications.
Consider leaving out any referee you are unsure about or might be too close to you. When in doubt, leave them out!
Refer to page 6 of the CWRU Appointment and Promotion Qualifications and Standards for more information.
Colleague referees (required; input 5 names)
Enter a minimum number of 5 colleague referee names into your application.
To move your application forward, a minimum number of 2 acceptable colleague referee letters are needed.
If more than the minimum number are received, they will be included.
Are current or former colleagues or supervisors that can comment on your administrative service role in a committee, project, or activity in which you were both engaged; and/or any of your teaching activities.
Should NOT have a close familial relationship with you or be anyone likely, or perceived to be likely, to be predisposed, positively or negatively, about you and your application.
The referee will be asked to draw upon their personal experiences with you and will usually not receive your CV or Personal Statement.
It is preferable, but not required, that they have an academic appointment.
For Cleveland Clinic faculty, look up the academic rank in the CCLCM FindFaculty Search Directory.
Put “N/A” if you cannot find the academic rank of any colleague referee.
CANNOT be your nominating chair. Other leadership names (leadership of CWRU, CCLCM, and Education) have been blocked from usage.
They cannot be trainees that you worked with.
They can be national (preferred) or international.
You can contact your colleague referees, but ONLY BEFORE submitting your application.
You may ask if they can write a reference letter when you apply for a faculty appointment. If they are too busy, that is fine, move on to another person.
Once you submit your application, you are NO longer allowed to speak with them about the letter.
If you receive an inquiry from a referee, forward it to CCLCM Faculty Affairs and do not answer it yourself.
Research - Team Scientist (ONLY if Research/Team-Scientist is your Primary Area of Excellence):
MUST enter 5 extra colleague names into your application!
They should be team lead scientist colleague names.
Make sure they can vouch for your valuable input to their papers and grants (how you are indispensable).
MUST email CCLCM Faculty Affairs the names of the 5 team-lead scientist colleague referees you entered so we can track them to ensure we receive 2 letters.
Your application will need 2 extra team colleague letters to move forward – for a total of 4 colleague letters.
Trainee referees (required; input 8 names)
Enter a minimum number of 8 trainee referee names into your application.
To move your application forward, a minimum number of 4 acceptable trainee referee letters are needed.
If more than the minimum number are received, they will be included.
Are any current or former students/trainees at any education level you taught here or at another institution.
They can be national or international and will usually not receive your CV.
You can contact your trainee referees, but ONLY BEFORE submitting your application.
You may ask if they can write a reference letter when you apply for a faculty appointment. If they are too busy, that is fine, move on to another person.
Once you submit your application, you are NO longer allowed to speak with them about the letter.
If you receive an inquiry from a referee, forward it to CCLCM Faculty Affairs and do not answer it yourself.
You must submit your CCLCM Online Application for CCLCM Faculty Affairs to begin processing it.
Applications are processed in the order received, and high volume may delay processing.
When the CCLCM Faculty Affairs team reviews your application, they will ensure that all your information and materials are acceptable according to the requirements.
If any additional items require attention, then you will receive an email notifying you of what is still needed.
Failure to comply with requests by CCLCM Faculty Affairs team to update, modify, or obtain requested materials may result in your application being unsubmitted.
Once it is unsubmitted, we encourage you to update your materials and submit it again as soon as possible.
After your application review is complete, Faculty Affairs will email your referees.
Every 32 days, a reminder is sent with a maximum of four reminders per referee.
If we have not obtained the minimum number of letters after 130 days, you will be notified via email to add additional names to your application.
If you delay adding new names, your application will be stalled!
You may add names at any time during the letter solicitation stage.
You do NOT need to notify Faculty Affairs when you add names. The system notifies us of this action.
Anytime you update your CV, you should upload a new version with the current date to your application, ensuring it is in our mandatory CCLCM template.
If your CV was updated during the CCLCM Faculty Affairs review stage, you must use the most recent version of your CV when making any new additions.
To understand all the steps to final CWRU approval, see our Application Review Process.
We will notify you via email when your application has been approved by CWRU.
After CWRU approval, you should accurately list your CCLCM of CWRU SOM rank and department on your documents, in your signature, and related websites along with your Cleveland Clinic staff title.
Example: Associate Professor of Medicine at Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.
Never list any pending (applied for) faculty rank.
Never list a department other than your CCLCM of CWRU SOM Academic Department.
Example: Do NOT list Associate Professor of Internal Medicine.
All applications are subject to current CWRU policy even if the policy changes while your application is being submitted or processed.
All approval time frames are average estimates based on application submittal, the upload of correct documents, the selection of accurate referee names, how quickly referee letters are received, and the timing of meetings and approval at CCLCM and CWRU, all of which can vary.
If your application is not submitted within 1-2 years, it may be inactivated; you can start a new one anytime.
Education Institute; 9500 Euclid Avenue, EC40; Phone: 216-442-5627; Email: CCLCM Faculty Affairs
New Appointment & Promotion
Assistant Professor
These are the requirements to become a faculty member of CWRU through CCLCM and as such, after final approval is obtained, you agree to recognize CWRU, instead of Cleveland Clinic, in all your achievements (publications, research, presentations, committee service, etc.).
This is a non-tenure Regular track (full-time) entry-level rank with Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) that is recommended for those who have completed training in the last few years, are in the process of building a reputation, or currently have a clinical / adjunct track appointment and want to be in the regular track instead.
Must be a member of Cleveland Clinic professional staff or have a medical/scientific terminal degree at the level of MD, PhD, PharmD, etc. (but not a master’s degree) and are committed to a career in academic medicine, including expanded teaching of medical trainees and innovative accomplishments that will move their subspecialty forward.
Main campus staff SHOULD apply in the regular track (or can choose Clinical Assistant Professor but are not allowed to promote in the clinical track).
Other location staff that are interested in academic medicine (increased professional service, teaching, and research) should apply in the regular track.
Currently appointed as a CCLCM of CWRU Instructor or Senior Instructor.
Must apply for a promotion to Assistant Professor.
CANNOT skip this rank and go directly to Associate Professor or Professor.
There is no difference in the documentation requirements between a Promotion and a New Appointment application!
Applications can be submitted at any time and will be processed like all other applications.
After CCLCM approval it will be sent to CWRU for final approval becoming effective either January 1 or July 1 (final approval at CWRU is only twice a year).
New Appointment
Currently does NOT have a CCLCM of CWRU regular track appointment.
Or, currently has a CCLCM of CWRU clinical/adjunct appointment and would like to move to the regular track.
Clinical or adjunct (part-time) appointment.
Approved by CWRU along with this faculty appointment.
Refer to our CCLCM of CWRU Outside Application instructions for more information.
If after reviewing the information within this document and still have remaining questions, contact CCLCM Faculty Affairs.
General Considerations:
For those faculty engaged in it, excellence of clinical service will be recognized and evaluated as part of the combined achievements that qualify for a new appointment or promotion.
Excellence shall be judged by both objective and subjective measures.
The determination of the level of clinical excellence achieved by a candidate for appointment or promotion may include consideration of materials not limited to the following:
specialty and subspecialty board certification and recertification;
outcomes data, if available, including mortality and morbidity data, comparative length of stay data, and surveys of patient satisfaction;
documentation of a reputation for excellence in one’s clinical specialty as evidenced by membership or fellowship in professional societies, especially in leadership positions, and awards for clinical service or patient satisfaction;
documentation of scholarly activities that influence the practice of medicine nationally; and
recognition as an authority as indicated by consultations, invited lectures and seminars, visiting professorships, and invited writings.
All faculty will be expected to make administrative service contributions.
Examples of administrative service include but are not limited to:
significant administrative contributions;
significant contributions to university, hospital, or clinical practice welfare;
participation in departmental, hospital, university, and/or medical school committees;
professional memberships and activities and services related to professional societies;
participation in research review committees of the state and federal government and of voluntary health organizations;
service on editorial boards of scientific journals or as an examiner on subspecialty boards;
participation and/or leadership in educational and professional society committees or committees of national, state, and local voluntary health agencies, such as the Academy of Medicine and the Ohio State Medical Association.
A high level of teaching effectiveness, involving the organization, evaluation, and transmission of knowledge, is a primary criterion as well.
The candidate shall have demonstrated a capacity and a desire to maintain teaching effectiveness and show capacity for continuing growth as a teacher.
Standards relating to teaching include:
preparation and presentation of material in a well-organized, current, and stimulating fashion as viewed by peers and students;
leadership in design, organization, and/or presentation of a course, clinical program, or subdivision thereof;
ability to evaluate and counsel students; and
participation in postgraduate educational activities.
Teaching settings are to be broadly defined. They may include medical student teaching in all venues, undergraduate and graduate courses teaching throughout the university; graduate medical and postgraduate medical teaching; student advising and continuing medical education, and community teaching.
Contributions, in general, include functions concerned with the planning and implementation of teaching concerning content, depth, coverage, sequence, evaluation, and coordination. Recognition will be given to original, innovative, and unique contributions and published reports of such contributions.
Teaching may be judged to be of high quality, however, without being innovative or original.
In addition, since administration of education efforts is an integral component of the teaching process, service as a subject committee chair, area of concentration chair, core clerkship director, section leader, residency training program director, or equivalent positions, and service on educational committees constitute significant criteria for consideration.
Excellence in scholarly research, involving the discovery, organization, interpretation, and transmission of knowledge, is the primary criterion.
The quality of the research program of an individual shall be evaluated as to the originality, depth, rigor, and thoroughness of the studies.
Important discoveries and innovations in techniques or methods shall lend weight to the assessment.
The research may be laboratory, non-laboratory, or patient-based or a combination thereof.
While the evaluation of research accomplishment has traditionally focused on the faculty member’s individual achievements, the present and future of science will place increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary research team science.
Where relevant, therefore, a faculty member’s contributions to interdisciplinary research team science shall also be considered.
Such factors as originality, creativity, indispensability, and unique abilities may be considered when making this evaluation.
Please read the CWRU Appointment and Promotion Standards for more detailed information.
Open CCLCM of CWRU Online Application (required)
Choose the most appropriate rank, and use our Comparison Tool to review the requirements.
Open your application right away and begin completing it.
Chair's Nomination Letter (required)
Select either your department or institute chair who knows you best (usually who conducts your APR).
Your chair’s CCLCM department must be in the CCLCM academic department you have chosen (do not have someone in Medicine write a letter for Pathology).
Your chair, who writes your nomination letter, may NOT also serve as a referee.
If your chair is not listed in the Online Application, select “Other” and enter your chair’s information.
Can only request the letter through a link in your online application and your chair will receive directions on what to include in the letter, for example:
Advocate strongly on your behalf regarding your Primary Area of Excellence.
Explain your past, current, and future roles in the department and how you help fulfill department and institutional goals.
Discuss what curricular, research, and clinical directions you are pursuing.
If your chair is not listed in the Online Application, select “Other” and enter in their information.
The letter is confidential and cannot be shared with you.
CV (required)
Download CCLCM CV Directions, Example & Template 2021.
Must EXACTLY MATCH the template (font, font size, date order, section format, etc.).
Please do NOT submit your application until it does.
CVs are NOT reviewed before submission by CCLCM Faculty Affairs due to the volume of applications.
After submission, all documents will be reviewed and if anything requires your attention, Faculty Affairs will reach out to you to update it.
Terminal Degree(s) (required for New Appointment ONLY)
Upload a scanned copy or photo of your terminal degree: MD, PhD, DO, MBBS, PharmD, JD, etc.
If a translation is needed for a foreign language other than Latin, also upload a copy.
Make sure it is not a password-protected PDF.
Do NOT upload any other certificates (testing, training, residency, fellowship, or licensure), transcripts, or otherdiplomas (bachelor's/master's).
Referee Names (total input: 6 Colleague names
Letters will be solicited AFTER your application is submitted and AFTER the Faculty Affairs team has reviewed and determined that your documents have met the necessary requirements.
Referee letters and the names of those who provide them are confidential and can never be disclosed, even to your chair.
Promotion & New Appointment: All referee requirements are the same – there is no difference!
LRI CAP colleague referee letters can be used for your appointment if the letters are NOT more than 2 years old.
It is essential to apply for your CCLCM appointment, immediately upon receiving your LRI staff promotion.
IMPORTANT! Your Cleveland Clinic Staff Title is NOT the same as a CCLCM of CWRU faculty rank.
On your documents and related websites – you must accurately list your CCLCM of CWRU rank (one that has been approved) and your staff title. Do not list any pending faculty rank or a department different than your CCLCM academic department.
Contact your Administrator and ask them to send one email with each letter as a
You must enter ALL the LRI referee names into your CCLCM application.
If you did not give LRI enough names, you will need to put in extra names to meet the CCLCM minimum number of required referee names.
Faculty Affairs will upload the letters it receives from your administration.
If the letters meet our standards and we receive the minimum required, then we will NOT need to solicit any other letters in that referee category.
If the letters do NOT meet our standards and/or the minimum number required is NOT met, then we will solicit letters from the referees you put into your application.
You, the candidate, are never allowed to know which letters were received, or the content of the letters received by LRI, and should not be included in any of the emails between your LRI administrator and Faculty Affairs regarding the letters.
Colleague referees (input 6 names)
o Minimum of 3 acceptable colleague letters are needed for your application to advance to the CCLCM Junior Committee on Appointments and Promotions (JCAP) for review and vote.
o If more than the minimum number of letters are received, they will be included with your application.
Are current or former colleagues or supervisors that can comment on your administrative service role in a committee, project, or activity in which you were both engaged; and/or any of your teaching activities.
IMPORTANT! If you are less than 2 years out of post-graduate training, you MUST choose supervisors from your training and NOT current coworkers (unless this is where you trained).
Post-graduate training = intern, resident, fellow, post-graduate doc, etc.
The referee will be asked to draw upon their personal experiences with you and will usually not receive your CV.
Cannot be your nominating chair, CWRU’s Dean of the School of Medicine, or CCLCM’s Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs.
They cannot be trainees that you worked with.
They can be national (preferred) or international.
It is preferable, but not required, that colleague referees have an academic appointment and are in a position to evaluate you at your current level.
You ARE allowed to contact your colleagues BEFORE submitting your application.
You may ask if they are available to write a reference letter in the future when you apply for a faculty appointment. If they are too busy, that is fine, move on to another person.
Once you submit your application, you can NO longer speak with them about the letter.
If you ever receive an inquiry from a referee, forward it to [email protected] and do not answer it yourself.
Submit Online Application (required)
You must SUBMIT your application in our College Portal so CCLCM Faculty Affairs can begin processing it.
You cannot submit your application until your Chair’s Nomination Letter has been uploaded into your application by your chair.
You will receive an email notification when this action is completed.
Reminders are automatically sent every 2 weeks until the nomination letter is uploaded.
Applications are processed in the order received and high volume may delay processing.
Your application will be reviewed, and Faculty Affairs will contact you if any documents need to be updated.
After your application review is complete, Faculty Affairs will email your referees.
Every 32 days a reminder is sent with a maximum of four reminders per referee.
If we have not obtained the minimum number of letters after 130 days, you will be notified to add additional names to your application.
If you delay in adding new names, your application will be stalled!
You may add additional names at any time during the letter solicitation stage.
To understand all the steps to final CWRU approval, see our Application Review Process.
Disclaimers: All applications are subject to current CWRU policy even if the policy changes while your application is being submitted or processed. All approval time-frames are average estimates based on the submission of correct documents and referee names, how quickly letters are received, and the timing of meetings and approval at CCLCM and CWRU, all of which can vary. If your application is not submitted within 1-2 years it may be inactivated; you can start a new application at any time.
Education Institute; 9500 Euclid Avenue, EC40; Phone: 216-442-5627; Email: CCLCM Faculty Affairs
New Appointment
These are the requirements to become a faculty member of CWRU through CCLCM and as such, after final approval is obtained, you agree to recognize CWRU, instead of Cleveland Clinic, in all your achievements (publications, research, presentations, committee service, etc.).
This is a non-tenure Regular track (full-time) rank with Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) that is ONLY for Lerner Research Institute (LRI) staff with the title of Research Associate. Talk to your LRI Administrator if you have questions.
IMPORTANT! The ranks of Instructor and Senior Instructor can never count towards, nor are they eligible for Emeritus per the CWRU Faculty Handbook.
Clinical or adjunct (part-time) appointment.
Approved by CWRU along with this faculty appointment.
Refer to our CCLCM of CWRU Outside Application instructions for more information.
If after reviewing the information within this document and still have remaining questions, contact CCLCM Faculty Affairs.
General Considerations:
For those faculty engaged in it, excellence of clinical service will be recognized and evaluated as part of the combined achievements that qualify for a new appointment or promotion.
Excellence shall be judged by both objective and subjective measures.
The determination of the level of clinical excellence achieved by a candidate for appointment or promotion may include consideration of materials not limited to the following:
specialty and subspecialty board certification and recertification;
outcomes data, if available, including mortality and morbidity data, comparative length of stay data, and surveys of patient satisfaction;
documentation of a reputation for excellence in one’s clinical specialty as evidenced by membership or fellowship in professional societies, especially in leadership positions, and awards for clinical service or patient satisfaction;
documentation of scholarly activities that influence the practice of medicine nationally; and
recognition as an authority as indicated by consultations, invited lectures and seminars, visiting professorships, and invited writings.
All faculty will be expected to make administrative service contributions.
Examples of administrative service include but are not limited to:
significant administrative contributions;
significant contributions to university, hospital, or clinical practice welfare;
participation in departmental, hospital, university, and/or medical school committees;
professional memberships and activities and services related to professional societies;
participation in research review committees of the state and federal government and of voluntary health organizations;
service on editorial boards of scientific journals or as an examiner on subspecialty boards;
participation and/or leadership in educational and professional society committees or committees of national, state, and local voluntary health agencies, such as the Academy of Medicine and the Ohio State Medical Association.
A high level of teaching effectiveness, involving the organization, evaluation, and transmission of knowledge, is a primary criterion as well.
The candidate shall have demonstrated a capacity and a desire to maintain teaching effectiveness and show capacity for continuing growth as a teacher.
Standards relating to teaching include:
preparation and presentation of material in a well-organized, current, and stimulating fashion as viewed by peers and students;
leadership in design, organization, and/or presentation of a course, clinical program, or subdivision thereof;
ability to evaluate and counsel students; and
participation in postgraduate educational activities.
Teaching settings are to be broadly defined. They may include medical student teaching in all venues, undergraduate and graduate courses teaching throughout the university; graduate medical and postgraduate medical teaching; student advising and continuing medical education, and community teaching.
Contributions, in general, include functions concerned with the planning and implementation of teaching concerning content, depth, coverage, sequence, evaluation, and coordination. Recognition will be given to original, innovative, and unique contributions and published reports of such contributions.
Teaching may be judged to be of high quality, however, without being innovative or original.
In addition, since administration of education efforts is an integral component of the teaching process, service as a subject committee chair, area of concentration chair, core clerkship director, section leader, residency training program director, or equivalent positions, and service on educational committees constitute significant criteria for consideration.
Excellence in scholarly research, involving the discovery, organization, interpretation, and transmission of knowledge, is the primary criterion.
The quality of the research program of an individual shall be evaluated as to the originality, depth, rigor, and thoroughness of the studies.
Important discoveries and innovations in techniques or methods shall lend weight to the assessment.
The research may be laboratory, non-laboratory, or patient-based or a combination thereof.
While the evaluation of research accomplishment has traditionally focused on the faculty member’s individual achievements, the present and future of science will place increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary research team science.
Where relevant, therefore, a faculty member’s contributions to interdisciplinary research team science shall also be considered.
Such factors as originality, creativity, indispensability, and unique abilities may be considered when making this evaluation.
Please read the CWRU Appointment and Promotion Standards for more detailed information.
Open CCLCM of CWRU Online Application (required)
Choose the most appropriate rank, and use our Comparison Tool to review the requirements.
Open your application right away and begin completing it.
Chair's Nomination Letter (required)
Select either your department or institute chair who knows you best (usually who conducts your APR).
Your chair’s CCLCM department must be in the CCLCM academic department you have chosen (do not have someone in Medicine write a letter for Pathology).
Your chair, who writes your nomination letter, may NOT also serve as a referee.
If your chair is not listed in the Online Application, select “Other” and enter your chair’s information.
Can only request the letter through a link in your online application and your chair will receive directions on what to include in the letter, for example:
Advocate strongly on your behalf regarding your Primary Area of Excellence.
Explain your past, current, and future roles in the department and how you help fulfill department and institutional goals.
Discuss what curricular, research, and clinical directions you are pursuing.
If your chair is not listed in the Online Application, select “Other” and enter in their information.
The letter is confidential and cannot be shared with you.
CV (required)
Download CCLCM CV Directions, Example & Template 2021.
Must EXACTLY MATCH the template (font, font size, date order, section format, etc.).
Please do NOT submit your application until it does.
CVs are NOT reviewed before submission by CCLCM Faculty Affairs due to the volume of applications.
After submission, all documents will be reviewed and if anything requires your attention, Faculty Affairs will reach out to you to update it.
Terminal Degree(s) (required for New Appointment ONLY)
Upload a scanned copy or photo of your terminal degree: MD, PhD, DO, MBBS, PharmD, JD, etc.
If a translation is needed for a foreign language other than Latin, also upload a copy.
Make sure it is not a password-protected PDF.
Do NOT upload any other certificates (testing, training, residency, fellowship, or licensure), transcripts, or otherdiplomas (bachelor's/master's).
Referee Names (total input: 6 Colleague names
Letters will be solicited AFTER your application is submitted and AFTER the Faculty Affairs team has reviewed and determined that your documents have met the necessary requirements.
Referee letters and the names of those who provide them are confidential and can never be disclosed, even to your chair.
Promotion & New Appointment: All referee requirements are the same – there is no difference!
LRI CAP colleague referee letters can be used for your appointment if the letters are NOT more than 2 years old.
It is essential to apply for your CCLCM appointment, immediately upon receiving your LRI staff promotion.
IMPORTANT! Your Cleveland Clinic Staff Title is NOT the same as a CCLCM of CWRU faculty rank.
On your documents and related websites – you must accurately list your CCLCM of CWRU rank (one that has been approved) and your staff title. Do not list any pending faculty rank or a department different than your CCLCM academic department.
Contact your Administrator and ask them to send one email with each letter as a
You must enter ALL the LRI referee names into your CCLCM application.
If you did not give LRI enough names, you will need to put in extra names to meet the CCLCM minimum number of required referee names.
Faculty Affairs will upload the letters it receives from your administration.
If the letters meet our standards and we receive the minimum required, then we will NOT need to solicit any other letters in that referee category.
If the letters do NOT meet our standards and/or the minimum number required is NOT met, then we will solicit letters from the referees you put into your application.
You, the candidate, are never allowed to know which letters were received, or the content of the letters received by LRI, and should not be included in any of the emails between your LRI administrator and Faculty Affairs regarding the letters.
Colleague referees (input 6 names)
o Minimum of 3 acceptable colleague letters are needed for your application to advance to the CCLCM Junior Committee on Appointments and Promotions (JCAP) for review and vote.
o If more than the minimum number of letters are received, they will be included with your application.
Are current or former colleagues or supervisors that can comment on your administrative service role in a committee, project, or activity in which you were both engaged; and/or any of your teaching activities.
IMPORTANT! If you are less than 2 years out of post-graduate training, you MUST choose supervisors from your training and NOT current coworkers (unless this is where you trained).
Post-graduate training = intern, resident, fellow, post-graduate doc, etc.
The referee will be asked to draw upon their personal experiences with you and will usually not receive your CV.
Cannot be your nominating chair, CWRU’s Dean of the School of Medicine, or CCLCM’s Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs.
They cannot be trainees that you worked with.
They can be national (preferred) or international.
It is preferable, but not required, that colleague referees have an academic appointment and are in a position to evaluate you at your current level.
You ARE allowed to contact your colleagues BEFORE submitting your application.
You may ask if they are available to write a reference letter in the future when you apply for a faculty appointment. If they are too busy, that is fine, move on to another person.
Once you submit your application, you can NO longer speak with them about the letter.
If you ever receive an inquiry from a referee, forward it to [email protected] and do not answer it yourself.
Submit Online Application (required)
You must SUBMIT your application in our College Portal so CCLCM Faculty Affairs can begin processing it.
You cannot submit your application until your Chair’s Nomination Letter has been uploaded into your application by your chair.
You will receive an email notification when this action is completed.
Reminders are automatically sent every 2 weeks until the nomination letter is uploaded.
Applications are processed in the order received and high volume may delay processing.
Your application will be reviewed, and Faculty Affairs will contact you if any documents need to be updated.
After your application review is complete, Faculty Affairs will email your referees.
Every 32 days a reminder is sent with a maximum of four reminders per referee.
If we have not obtained the minimum number of letters after 130 days, you will be notified to add additional names to your application.
If you delay in adding new names, your application will be stalled!
You may add additional names at any time during the letter solicitation stage.
To understand all the steps to final CWRU approval, see our Application Review Process.
Disclaimers: All applications are subject to current CWRU policy even if the policy changes while your application is being submitted or processed. All approval time-frames are average estimates based on the submission of correct documents and referee names, how quickly letters are received, and the timing of meetings and approval at CCLCM and CWRU, all of which can vary. If your application is not submitted within 1-2 years it may be inactivated; you can start a new application at any time.