CCLCM Faculty Roles

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in CCLCM, and contact them to better understand the role.

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You can inquire about any role, filled or unfilled, by clicking the primary contact's name and using the pop-up form to
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CCLCM General Area
Role Type
Direct Student contact
Application Screener - Admissions
CAPPs Reviewer
Capstone Session Instructor
Clinical Director - Palliative Medicine Education
Committee - Admissions
Committee - Admissions Executive
Committee - Art and Practice of Medicine (Steering)
Committee - Building a Culture of Belonging (Action Group)
Committee - CCLCM LGBTQ Curricular (Action Group)
Committee - College Assessment and Outcomes
Committee - Curriculum Steering Council
Committee - Disabilities (Action Group)
Committee - Historical Perspectives of Medicine (Action Group)
Committee - Medical Education
Committee - Research Curriculum/Education (Action Group)
Committee - Research Education
Committee - Service Learning and Community Outreach (Action Group)
Committee - Student Community & Engagement Recruitment (Action Group)
Content Expert - Journal Club 1 - Basic/Translational
Facilitator - Problem Solving Sessions
Facilitator - Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
Interviewer - Admissions
Longitudinal Ambulatory Block Instructor
Methodology Facilitator - Journal Club 1 - Basic/Translational
Oral Presentation Assessor - Basic Science
Oral Presentation Assessor - Clinical Science
Physician Advisor
Preceptor - Acute Care
Preceptor - Art and Practice of Medicine 1
Preceptor - Art and Practice of Medicine 2
Preceptor - Art and Practice of Medicine 3
Preceptor - Basic Science Research
Preceptor - Clinical Reasoning 2
Preceptor - Clinical Research
Preceptor - Communication Skills 1
Preceptor - Communication Skills 2
Preceptor - Geriatrics 1
Preceptor - Geriatrics 2
Preceptor - Longitudinal Clinic 1
Preceptor - Longitudinal Clinic 2
Preceptor - OSCE 1
Preceptor - OSCE 2
Preceptor - Physical Diagnosis 1
Preceptor - Physical Diagnosis 2
Preceptor - Preventive Care 2
Preceptor – Pediatrics 2
Presenter - Art and Practice of Medicine 3
Presenter - Art and Practice of Medicine 4/5
Thesis - Committee Chair
Thesis - Committee Member
Thesis - Research Advisor
Thread Leader - Anatomy/Embryology
Thread Leader - Biomedical and Health Informatics
Thread Leader - Biostatistics/Epidemiology
Thread Leader - Cell Biology/Biochemistry
Thread Leader - Genetics/Genomics
Thread Leader - Health Systems
Thread Leader - Histology
Thread Leader - Imaging
Thread Leader - Immunology
Thread Leader - Infectious Disease/Microbiology
Thread Leader - Nutrition
Thread Leader - Oncology
Thread Leader - Pathology/Laboratory Medicine
Thread Leader - Pharmacology
Thread Leader - Physiology
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