Virtual Microscopy

  Virtual Microscopy > Respiratory > Vascular Pathology of the Respiratory System

Case 1:

A 18 year old Caucasian female presents with elevated pulmonary artery pressures and recent history of right ventricular failure.

Slides: [Early plexigenic lesion] [Elastic artery hypertensive changes] [Plexigenic lesion] [PPH (Grade 2)] [PPH (Grade 3)] [Vasodilatation lesion]

Case 2:

A 19 year old African American male presents with history of sickle cell anemia.

Slides: [Early organizing thrombus] [Early organizing thrombus (high magnification)] [Organizing thrombus in vessel] [Thrombotic arteriopathy] [Small vessel thrombotic arteriopathy] [Thrombotic arteriopathy (fat embolus)] [Thrombotic arteriopathy with polarizable material]

Case 3:

A 58 year old obese, Caucasian male presents with 30-pack-a-year history.

Slides: [Hypoxic arteriopathy] [Hypoxic arteriopathy (small vessels)]

Bonus Case:

A 32 year old Caucasian female presents with history of Renaud’s phenomenon and recent shortness of breath.

Slides: [Scleroderma (Grade 2)] [Scleroderma (Grade 3)]