Virtual Microscopy

  Virtual Microscopy > Neuro > Brain Tumors

Case 1:

A 36-year-old male presented 6 years ago with a seizure and non-enhancing lesion in the frontal lobe. A subtotal resection of the lesion was performed. The gross and microscopic appearance of the lesion are shown here [gross patient's tumor] [microscopic patient's tumor]. The tumor more recently is increasing in size and shows ring-enhancement. A biopsy is taken [virtual slide of patient's tumor on biopsy]

  1. Describe the gross findings in the brain at the time of initial resection? (see gross of patient's tumor)
  2. How does the microscopic appearance of the original lesion compare with the recent appearance of the tumor? (compare microscopic of patient's tumor with virtual slide of patient's tumor on biopsy)
  3. What is the most likely cell of origin for this tumor? How might you confirm your answer?


Case 2:

The patient in case 1 has a 28-year-old sister who presents with seizures and a fronto-parietal lobe mass. A biopsy is taken.

Slide: [virtual slide of patient]

Photomicrographs: [1p normal FISH] [1p deleted FISH]

  1. Describe the morphologic features of this tumor? How is this the same or different than the tumor in case 1.
  2. What is the most likely cell of origin? Where would you guess is the most likely location for this tumor to arise?
  3. What is the clinical significance of distinguishing this tumor from the tumor in case 1.


Case 3:

The patient in case 1 has a 67-year-old grandmother who presents with recurrent headaches. On imaging, she has dural-based mass. The tumor is completely excised.

Gross photograph: [patient's tumor]

Slide: [virtual slide of patient's tumor]

  1. Describe the gross appearance of the tumor?
  2. Given the location of the tumor, what is the most likely cell of origin?
  3. Given the histologic appearance of the tumor, would you expect it to behave more like a benign or malignant neoplasm? Why?


Show and Tell Cases:

  1. [ependymoma gross] [ependymoma microscopic]
  2. [medulloblastoma gross] [medulloblastoma micro]
  3. [metastasis gross] [metastasis micro]
  4. [schwannoma gross] [schwannoma micro]