Virtual Microscopy

  Virtual Microscopy > Neuro > Pathology of Neurodegenerative Disease

Case 1:

The patient is a 76-year-old female with a slowly progressive history of memory loss and dementia. She spent the last year of the life in a nursing home, requiring full nursing care.

Slides: [patient's brain (H&E stain)] [patient's brain (Bielschowsky stain)]

Gross photograph: [patient's brain]

Photomicrographs: [plaque (silver stain)] [tangle (silver stain)] [amyloid in plaque (congo red stain)] [amyloid in plaque (congo red stain, polarized] [granulovacuolar degeneration] [Hirano body]

  1. What gross features of the brain suggest that there is diffuse cerebral atrophy? (see gross patient's brain)What is the microscopic correlate of atrophy?
  2. What microscopic findings are evident on the hematoxylin and eosin stained section versus the silver stain pictures? What features do the silver stains highlight?
  3. What is amyloid?


Case 2:

A 63-year-old male had a history of a pill-rolling tremor, unsteady gait, stooped posture and masked facies.

Gross photograph: [normal brain (left), patient's brain (right)]

Slide: [patient's brain]

Photomicrograph: [Lewy body]

  1. Where are the pathologic findings in this disease process located? (see gross patient's brain)
  2. Where is the histologic section taken from?
  3. What abnormalities are evident in this histologic section?
  4. What are the inclusions seen in this disease made of? What stains can be used to highlight them.


Show & Tell Case:

  1. [CJD cortex] [CJD plaque]