Virtual Microscopy

  Virtual Microscopy > Endocrine > Pathology of Thyroid

Case 1:

A 35 year old woman presents with a diffusely enlarged thyroid gland. Pertinent laboratory findings include anti-microsomal and antithyroglobulin antibodies. [normal thyroid] [Hashimoto's thyroiditis]

  1. Are the pathologic changes neoplastic?
  2. What types of inflammatory cells are present?
  3. What changes in the epithelial cells are noted?
  4. Are most patients hypothyroid, euthyroid, or hyperthyroid?
  5. What is the relationship of this lesion, if any, to malignancy?


Case 2:

A 47 year old woman presents with difficulty swallowing. Following a work-up, which included an FNA, the patient underwent a partial thyroidectomy. [colloid goiter] [follicular adenoma] [follicular carcinoma]

  1. What histologic changes are present in the 3 lesion?
  2. Which lesion has a sometimes know etiologic factor?
  3. How are these different lesions distinguished pathologically?


Case 3:

A 62 year old man with a prior history of radiation therapy for laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma presents with a “lump” in his throat. The pathology slides show: [thyroid papillary carcinoma]

  1. Why is the history of prior radiation important in the evaluation of this patient?
  2. What are the key diagnostic features for this tumor?
  3. What pathologic entities might be in the differential?


Show and Tell:

[C-cell hyperplasia]

[C-cell hyperplasia, calcitonin]

[Medullary carcinoma, low power]

[Medullary carcinoma, medium power]

[Medullary carcinoma, high power]

[normal parathyroid]

[parathyroid hyperplasia]